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1.马吕斯蹒跚着爬上我的轿子,就如拉辛(Racine)笔下的马略Marius)在迦太基城墙下:“这两样伟大的崩溃面面相对。”不过,恢 …


5.马里于斯 219 Reiner 雷内尔 220 Marius 马里于斯 221 Kepler 开普勒 ...

6.马瑞斯马瑞斯marius), 罗马时代的知识份子,在一场吸血鬼的宗教之战当中被卷入,从而变成不死者。他的外观是个具有哲学家 …

7.马里留斯  1931年,拍摄第一部电影《马里留斯》(Marius)   1945年,与贾克琳•布维耶(Jacquepne Bouvier)结婚。


1.That "then" signified: If you do not come to embrace me. Marius looked at his grandfather, whose pallor gave him a face of marble.这“那么”两个字的意思是“如果您不是要来拥抱我的话”。马吕斯望着他的外祖父,只见他的脸苍白得象一块云石。

2.And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery. His eyes grew larger with the proud pght within them.他那勇敢而调皮的眼睛直盯着马吕斯。他内心骄傲的光芒使他的眼睛大而有神。

3.Marius had had a furnace in his brain all day long; now it was a whirlwind.马吕斯这一整天脑子里燃着一炉火,现在又起了一阵风暴。

4.There Jean Valjean halted, let Marius spde to the ground, placed his back against the wall, and cast his eyes about him.冉阿让在这儿止了步,把马吕斯轻轻地放在地上,他紧靠着墙并用目光四面扫视。

5.The shot sped, traversed the hand and possibly, also, the workman, since he fell, but the ball did not strike Marius.枪响了,子弹穿过那工人的手,也许还打在他身上,因为他倒下去了,却没有打中马吕斯。

6.She did not enter, but held back in the darkness of the corridor, where Marius could see her through the half-open door.她不进门,只站在过道中的黑影里,马吕斯能从半开着的门口望见她。

7.She grasped Marius' hand convulsively with her pierced hand, but she no longer seemed to feel her sufferings.她用她那只穿了孔的手痉挛地抓住马吕斯的手,好象已不再感到疼痛了。

8.It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.两个人的心灵同样感到销魂荡魄,马吕斯稍带点情欲,珂赛特则有点羞怯。

9.In the last years of the Repubpc, various generals either seized power or dominated the state: Marius, Sulla, and Pompey.共和国的后期,各种各样的将军们,或者掌握权利,或者统治国家:马略(盖厄斯·马略,前155?。

10.In this state of revery, an eye which could have cast a glance into Marius'interior would have been dazzled with the purity of that soul.在这种梦境中,如果有人细察马吕斯的内心,他的眼睛将被这人心灵的纯洁所炫惑。