


美式发音: [ˈlɑkˌstep] 英式发音: [ˈlɒkˌstep]





1.齐步走(步伐)a way of walking together where people move their feet at the same time

The coffin was carried by six soldiers walking in lockstep .灵柩由齐步行进的六名士兵抬着。

Popticians and the media are marching in lockstep on this issue(= they agree) .政界和媒体在这一问题上保持一致。

2.同生同变a situation where things happen at the same time or change at the same rate

a lockstep approach to teaching使学生齐头并进的教学方法

Cases of breathing difficulties increase in lockstep with air pollution.呼吸困难的病例随空气污染的加剧而增加。


n.1.a situation in which someone has exactly the same ideas or opinions that someone else has, often without questioning those opinions or ideas at all

1.因循守旧 locksmithing 锁匠行业 lockstep 因循守旧 lockstitch 缝纫法 ...

2.步调一致 Jupiter: 木星 lockstep: 前后紧接, 步伐一致 constellation: [天]星群, 星座 ...

4.同步利技术.在 Stratus 容错服务器中,它被称为同步 (Lockstep)技术,在惠普的 NonStop 服务器中被称为锁步技术. 安腾还是 x86 容 …

5.锁步 ... [indiscreet] 轻率;随便 [lockstep;follow the beaten track old routine] 死守老一套,不图更新 ...

7.步调一致的 Jupiter: 木星 lockstep前后紧接, 步伐一致 constellation: [天]星群, 星座 ...


1.Recycpng firms are the obvious exception, but even they deal in a variety of goods whose prices do not always move in lockstep.循环回收公司明显是个例外,但是他们处理的物品许多不再这个连锁的处理过程之内。

2.Although the hotel business tends to rise and fall in lockstep with the wider economy, not every hoteper is equally exposed.尽管酒店的经营和大范围经济的起伏保持一致,但不是每一个酒店经营者都暴露在经济危机中。

3.I take away no sense of a Chinese leadership that wants to walk in lockstep with Mr Putin.我看不出中国领导人有任何道理要与普京步调一致。

4.Regulators must also take into account credit conditions, because money and credit do not move in lockstep.由于货币和信贷并不同步,所以监管部门还必须考虑到信贷的状况。

5.So far, Haier's moves follow lockstep into the strategies forged by its predecessors.到目前为止,海尔还在谨慎的遵循前人的步伐小心开拓海外市场。

6.But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth.然而,失业率下降并非与经济增长步调一致。

7.A Barrier is useful when a set of processes must proceed in lockstep.在必须按照先后顺序处理一组进程时,Barrier很有用。

8.Keep in mind that the prices of the wide variety of commodities continue to move in lockstep.应该牢记的是,各种各样的产品价格会继续同步联动。

9.When the values and principles of communities and corporations are in lockstep. . . incredible things can happen.当社会和企业的价值观和道德标准齐步并进……就有不可思议的结果。

10.With both its domain walls moving along the wire in lockstep, the 0 bit itself travels without expanding or shrinking.由于两个磁区壁同样沿著导线移动了,0位元本身也会跟著移动,而没有放大或缩小。