




1.一阵雨一阵雨 (Shower of Rain) 颜联武 璀璨人间 袁凤瑛 戏迷情人 其他 ►  2007 (29) ►  03 (3) ►  04 (12) ►  05 (14) ►  2008 (1)


1.After every shower of rain, just as the sun burst through the clouds, a beautiful rainbow would appear in the sky.每当下完雨以后,太阳穿过云彩,一道美丽的彩虹就会出现在空中。

2.Doctor Foster went to Gloucester In a shower of rain; He stepped in a puddle right up to his middle And never went there again .福斯特大夫冒雨去克劳切斯特。一脚踩进水坑里,水淹到他的腰。他再也不去那儿了。

3.taking a stroll on some of my prize plants. A shower of rain poured down upon us, each drop stinging pke a hailstone.一阵倾盆大雨直泻在我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。

4.For freedom-aspiring citizens across the Middle East, Tunisia was akin to the first shower of rain.对于整个中东的自由建立的公民来说,突尼斯就象是一系列倾盆暴雨中的头场阵雨。

5.A shower of rain poured me instantly I opened the door.我一打开大门,一阵大雨就迎面浇来。

6.A shower of rain poured down upon us, each drop stinging pke a hailstone .一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。

7.Shower of rain drove down upon us, each drop stinging pke a hailstone.一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们的身上,每一雨点打来都象冰雹般刺痛。

8.A sudden shower of rain brought our horses to a complete standstill .突然来一了阵雨,使我们的马完全停了下来。

9.The first day he wore them, he was caught in a very heavy shower of rain.他第一天穿上它们就赶上了一场大雨。

10.A shower of rain was falpng gently, yet fast, on the late flowers and russet autumn shrubs.又细又急的阵雨正洒在迟开的花儿和赤褐色的秋季灌木上。