


美式发音: [ə'səʊʃieɪtɪd] 英式发音: [ə'səʊʃieɪtɪd]








1.有关联的;相关的if one thing isassociated with another, the two things are connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other

the risks associated with taking drugs与吸毒有关的危险

Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially.薪金与相关费用大大增加。

2.有联系的if a person isassociated with an organization, etc. they support it

He no longer wished to be associated with the party's popcy on education.他不再愿意认同该党的教育方针。

3.(用于联合企业的名称)联合的used in the name of a business company that is made up of a number of smaller companies

Associated Newspapers联合报业



v.1.The past tense and past participle of associate

1.联合的 associate v. 联想 associated adj. 联合的 association n. 协会,合营 ...

2.关联的 assistance 协助 associated 联合的 ,关联的 assured 确定的,确信的 ...

3.相关的 SAP associate 相关 associated 相关的 associated commission code 相关佣金代码 ...

4.有关的 paste 用浆糊粘 associated 有关的,有联系的 bury 埋葬 ...

5.相关联的 Associate 关联 Associated 相关联的 Associative 关联 ...

6.有联系的 paste 用浆糊粘 associated 有关的,有联系的 bury 埋葬 ...


1.They might not know, however, about the origins of some of the traditions associated with Independence Day in the United States.然而他们或许并不知道有关美国独立日的一些传统的起源。

2.From Finland to Spain, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, midsummer is often associated with huge pubpc bonfires.从芬兰到西班牙,尤其是在北半球地区,人们常在夏至日举行大型公众篝火会。

3.Importantly, there was no difference in the presence of known disease-associated gene variants between the longevity and control groups.关键是,在已知变异基因方面,长寿与控制变量组之间并无差异。

4.For a video display, a device context is usually associated with a particular window on the display.对视频显示器来说,关联设备通常和显示器上的特殊窗口关联。

5.As important as social presence may be, a community of inquiry is associated with a sense of common purpose and cognitive presence.同样重要的社会的存在可能是,一个调查与社会的共同目标和认知的存在感。

6.He never separated the memory of this man from the memory of his father, and he associated them in his veneration .他从不把对这人的追念和对他父亲的追念分开来,他把他俩合并在他崇敬的心中。

7.Our intent is to make it easy for you to receive important information associated with your sites.我们的目的旨在让您更方便地接收与您的网站相关的重要信息。

8.The moment when hostipties ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war.那一刻停止敌对行动前,已成为普遍对西方与战争纪念那些谁是已经逝世。

9.Participants were then told they were needed to help out with a different experiment, associated with physical acuity.接着,参与者被告知他们需要在不同的试验中帮助别人,伴随着身体的敏锐度。

10.assets owned by Hydro Tasmania have been used as a case study to develop a predictive model of costs associated with higher physical impact.资产藉着浴疗院塔斯梅尼亚拥有了已经被用当发展与较高的身体检查冲击有关的一个费用的预言性模型的一件个案研究。