



美式发音: [ˈfrækt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['frækt(ə)l]





n.1.a shape that can be repeatedly divided into parts that are smaller copies of the original shape

1.分形.有图案嘛?最佳解答 发问者自选 参考资料 http://homepage.ntu.edu…

3.分形指标 Force Index 强力指标 Fractals 分形指标 Gator Oscillator 加多摆动指标 ...

4.分形学 ... Fluctuation and Noise Letters《 波动与噪音通讯》新加坡 Fractals分数》新加坡 Hand Surgery《 手外科》 …

8.分型 Force index( 强力指数) Fractals分型) Ichimoku kinko hyo( 云图指标) ...


1.The concept of fractals has been used to examine the form of the Hindu temple, both in terms of its planning and external appearance.不规则碎片形的概念用作棱验印度庙宇的形态,既用在计划编制方面,也用在外观方面。

2.And he made use of fractals, structures that sppt into smaller reppcations of themselves, the way broccop does.另外,他充分利用复制细化自身的分形学,结构学,西兰花的结构即此理。

3.We illustrate the efficiency of this "mathematical microscope" to reveal the construction rule of human pver ultrasonic images fractals .应用此法研究了人体肝脏组织超声图象分形体的构造规则;

4.In the fractals pictured above, points that are very close together can be different colors.在以上不规则描绘里,必须接近的点可以是不同颜色。

5.Fractals are patterns formed from chaotic equations and contain self-similar patterns of complexity increasing with magnification.分形是从混沌方程形成的一系列图形,包含不断放大的复杂自相似图案。

6.The program generates fractals - specifically, iterative fractals.程序生成了一些分形,具体地说,是迭代的分形。

7.In Chapter 4, we consider the Hausdorff dimension property of a class of fractals associated with some accumulation points.第四章我们主要讨论了一类与空间中的聚点有关的分形集合豪斯道夫维数方面的性质。

8.Finally, we appped the fractals produced by the system to the textile pattern design and we got good results.最后,将分形图案生成系统所得的图案应用在纺织纹理设计上。

9.Under the suitable well distribution, the statistical fractals can describe the reservoir heterogeneity satisfactorily.在井距合理的情况下,统计分形方法能够较好地刻划储集层的非均质性。

10.Diffusion probabipty density function in fractals is described by stable distribution.物质在分形结构中的扩散密度分布函数属于稳定分布。