




1.邱吉尔 ... Mr.Knightley 奈特里先生 Frank Churchill 弗兰克·丘吉尔 Jane Fairfax 简·法尔法克 …

3.法兰克影《艾玛姑娘要出嫁》(Emma)中,饰演个性迥异的法兰克Frank Churchill),与葛妮丝派特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)演对手 …


1.and if he could have thought of Frank Churchill then, he might have deemed him a very good sort of fellow.如果这时他能想起弗兰克·邱吉尔,他也许会认为他是个蛮不错的人。

2.when should I ever have thought of putting by in cotton a piece of court-plaster that Frank Churchill had been pulpng about!我什么时候会想到把弗兰克·邱吉尔拉着玩的橡皮膏放在棉花里保存起来呀!

3.Me! ' cried Harriet, colouring, and astonished. 'Why should you caution me? - You do not think I care about Mr. Frank Churchill. '“我!”哈丽特红着脸惊叫道。“你干吗要劝我小心呀?你总不会认为我对弗兰克·邱吉尔先生有意思吧。”

4.Frank Churchill, who had promised for months to come to see his father and new stepmother, again put off his visit.弗兰克邱吉尔几个月来一直答应要来看望他的父亲和新过门的继母,但却再次推迟了他的来访日期。

5.She was not to see Frank Churchill this morning.今天早上她见不到弗兰克·邱吉尔。

6.It was now time for Frank Churchill to end his visit, and he departed with seeming reluctance.费兰克·邱吉尔该走了。他看上去有些恋恋不舍。

7.It was not the gipsies - it was not Mr. Frank Churchill that I meant.我说的不是吉普赛人——不是弗兰克·邱吉尔先生。

8.If she could not have been angry with Frank Churchill too, it would have been dreadful.如果她不能也生弗兰克·邱吉尔的气,那就太可怕r。

9.Mr. Knightley, in his turn, saw signs of some secret agreement between Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill.而奈特利先生则觉察到简和邱吉尔之间已有某种秘约。

10.Weston had received. 'I suppose you have heard of the handsome letter Mr. Frank Churchill has written to Mrs.弗兰克·邱吉尔先生给韦斯顿太太写了一封十分得体的信,我想你听说了吧?