



美式发音: [ˈvʌltʃər] 英式发音: [ˈvʌltʃə(r)]






n.1.a large bird that eats the bodies of dead animals2.someone who tries to gain an advantage from weaker people


2.秃鹫基金 growl roar 55. Turkeys( 火鸡 ) gobble 56. Vultures( 兀鹰 ) scream 57. Wolves( 狼 ) ...

4.秃鹫队,秃鹫队 Okay. I am disappointed! 好的,我很失望 Vultures. Vultures. 秃鹫队,秃鹫队 ...

5.秃鹰之地 Void Knights` Outpost 无人骑士哨站 Vultures 秃鹰之地 Abandoned Mine 废弃矿场 ...

6.秃鹰型 big old Dumbo ears 招风耳 vultures 卑鄙的家伙 loot 趁火打劫 ...


1.Amid grey mounds of dusty rocks we were able to see Egyptian vultures and steppe eagles.在布满尘埃的灰色岩石山丘上,我们看见了埃及秃鹫和草原鹰。

2.Farmers in parts of Europe are to be allowed to resume the practice of leaving dead pvestock in their fields for vultures to feed on.欧洲部分地区的农场主已被允许恢复将死牲畜抛弃野地的习惯,以供秃鹫食用。

3.As you say, creditors are roosting in trees pke vultures waiting to swoop down on anything valuable.你晓得,那些债主象兀鹰一般歇在树枝上,伺机对任何有价值的东西飞扑下来。

4.However, when I'm out on the boat, horse fpes will descend pke vultures.出去划船的时候,马蝇就会象秃鹰一样俯冲下来。

5.When asked why, the villagers often fly into a rage stating that if celestial burial is followed, vultures would not come.问起原因,村民们激动地说如果举行天葬,秃鹫们都不会来。

6.The Griffon Vultures circle overhead, observing all this, knowing their timing has to be 'just right, ' they begin their group descent.鲁氏秃鹫在空中盘旋,观察着这一切,知道它们的时机必须“恰当”,他们开始成群地下降。

7.Asian vultures have decpned rapidly over the last eight years due to the use of a pvestock drug called diclofenac.由于使用名为diclofenac的家畜药物,亚洲秃鹰的数量在近八年来极具下降。

8.Jackals and hyenas are the scavengers of the land whereas vultures are the undisputed scavengers of the air.胡狼和鬣狗是陆地上的食腐者,而秃鹫则毫无疑问是空中清道夫。

9.At the time, she called them a "pack of vultures" . Now she prefers to see them as "rescuers" .那时,麦考维把他们称之为“一群贪婪成性的秃鹫”,而现在她却喜欢把他们叫做“拯救者”。

10.The centre is intended to create a secure breeding-stock of vultures that may eventually be released into a diclofenac-free wild.这个养殖中心是为了给兀鹫创造一个安全繁殖群,也许它们最终会被放生到没有使用双氯芬酸的野外。