




1.汪氏 ... 2007年微型计算机 TCL 汪氏 wongs 百花 baihua ...

2.穿越 ... 更多 More 穿越 WONGS 姓名 Name* ...

3.金悦轩晚上同老公的亲戚去吃晚饭,选了这家“金悦轩”(WONGS),记得英国的《泰晤士报》曾经把这家餐厅列为英国最受欢迎的20 …

4.年仲食到又平又好的食物2008年仲食到又平又好的食物(wongs)牛肉好滑好味!!!(冬~) 又一家庭式平价面档(三冠王) 饮食 餐厅搜寻 地图搜寻 最新餐厅 排行榜


1.The SEC said in its complaint against the Wongs that $3. 1m used to purchase the Dow Jones shares was wired from Mr Leung's bank account.美国证交会在其针对王氏夫妇的指控中称,用于购买道琼斯股票的资金中,有310万美元是通过梁启雄的银行账户划拨的。

2.If innocent , the Wongs acted in a manner that was almost guaranteed to draw attention .如果被判无罪,王氏夫妇的行事方式无疑会引起注意。

3.Regulators moved to freeze the Wongs' account on Tuesday, a day before the proceeds would have been released to them.监管部门周二冻结了王氏夫妇的账户,他们的收益原本将于一天后到账。

4.The shares of Dow Jones, the SEC says, increased the value of the stock in the Wongs' accounts by 25 times.SEC表示,购买道琼斯股票后王勤竞夫妇所持有股票的价值增加了25倍。

5.Two wrongs don't make a right, two Wongs don't make a white.两个错不会变成一个对,两个老王不会变一个白人。

6.The Wongs are looking forward to their vacation in Egypt next year.王姓一家人很期待明年去埃及的假期。

7.The Wongs couldn't be reached for comment.记者目前无法获得王勤竞夫妇的相关评论。

8.Because there are so many Wings and so many Wongs that someone's always Winging the Wong number.答:因为中国有很多“老郑”、“老黄”,所以打电话总是老整---老黄。