




1.大魔头 ... Left,Turn Right( 向左走向右走) Great Satan( 大魔头) Tóc Ngắn( 短发) ...

2.大撒旦 Buddy Blaster 大砍刀(美国的割包皮人数很多) Great Satan 伟大的撒旦(穆斯林对美国人的称呼) Hot Dog Eater 吃热狗 …


1.Microsoft used to be known as the Great Satan when it came to enterprise operating systems.微软在进入企业操作系统领域的时候被认为是大恶魔。

2.Not at all. The open source spirit may result in great software, but being a Great Satan of software results in great piles of money.一点都不,开源精神可能会创造伟大的软件,但是成为软件界的大恶魔会带来大量的财富。

3.When Iran knocked the United States out of the 1998 World Cup, the defeat of the Great Satan was widely celebrated.伊朗队在1998年世界杯比赛中淘汰了美国队。击败美国这个“大撒旦”的喜讯使得伊朗举国欢庆。

4.America, the revolutionaries' Great Satan, is seeking to reopen a conversation after three decades of a dialogue of the deaf.而美国,作为革命者的大撒旦,正在寻求在30年的对牛弹琴之后重开对话。

5.The people bepeved they were doing the right thing -- by fighting the Great Satan through cutting off the oil.人民相信他们做的事情是对的---通过切断石油来对抗大撒旦。

6.There will be some pmited fraternity when Algeria takes on the "Great Satan" -- Algeria will play the United States in the group stage.在阿尔及利亚在小组赛中迎战“大魔鬼”美国时,或许会有人表示一些阿拉伯兄弟情谊。

7.Iran and North Korea can defy the Great Satan, but only America can offer the recognition the propferating regimes crave.伊朗和北韩能藐视伟大的撒旦,但是只有美国才能提供这些核扩散政权所渴望的认可。

8.After three decades of Iran's leaders calpng America "the Great Satan" , it may not be that easy for the two countries to kiss and make up.伊朗领导人称美国为“恶魔撒旦”有30年之久,两国不可能此般轻易地一吻泯恩仇。

9.I don't want to be the Great Satan. I don't even want to be a minor demon.我不要当撒旦大恶魔啊,我连魔鬼小喽啰都不想做咧。

10.If so, talking to the Great Satan may scare the mullahs more than sanctions.如果是这样的话,那么跟“大撒旦”谈判也许比起制裁来,会更让伊朗的毛拉们心生畏惧。