


美式发音: [məˈʃinəri] 英式发音: [məˈʃiːnəri]




adj.+n.electrical machinery,modern machinery

v.+n.use machinery,create machinery

n.mechanism,moving parts,device,workings,works



1.[u](统称)机器;(尤指)大型机器machines as a group, especially large ones

agricultural/industrial machinery农业╱工业机械

a piece of machinery一部机器

2.[u]机器的运转部分;机械装置the parts of a machine that make it work

3.[u][sing]组织;机构;系统;体制the organization or structure of sth; the system for doing sth

the machinery of government政府机构

There is no machinery for resolving disputes.根本没有解决纷争的机制。


n.1.machines; the moving or working parts of a machine2.an estabpshed system for doing something

1.机械 茶具类 Tea Set 机械 Machinery 首页 HOME ...

2.机器 资本货物 capital goods 机器 machinery 设备 equipment ...

3.机械设备 engineeringdepartment 工程部 machinery 机械设备 labor 劳工 ...

4.机械类 环境生态类- Environment and ecology 机械类- Machinery 计算机类- Computer Sciences ...

5.机构 noisy adj. 嘈杂的,喧闹的 machinery n. (总称)机器;机构 alas interj. (遗憾等)哎呀! ...

6.机械装置 machine 机器 machinery 机械装置 mad 发狂;发怒 ...

7.机关 category n. 种类 machinery a. 机器,机关, simulate n. 模拟,模仿 ...

8.机具 1438 房屋及建物 -重估增值 buildings -revaluation increments 1441 机(器)具 machinery 151 租赁资产 leased assets ...


1.Let us, therefore, try to see exactly what happens when technical improvements and labor-saving machinery are introduced.因此,我们需要设法弄明白:随着技术进步和省力机械的采用,到底会发生什么事。

2.We came to this city alone, to see a number of biochemical machinery soldiers, and their war as a last resort.我们独自来到了这个城市,看到了一些机器化生化战士,不得已才和他们交战。

3."If the snake had evolved the machinery that modern snakes have, it would have been able to take even bigger things, " he said.“假如这条蛇已进化成现代蛇所拥有的生理结构,它将能够吃更大的东西”,他说。

4.One by one his memories leak through the faulty machinery of his mind until he no longer knows them for his own.过去的记忆接连不断地从他那浑噩的“精神装置”中涌泄,直到他不再记得任何事。

5.In the food packaging machinery with all parts are made of stainless steel manufacturing, or on the surface.在食品封箱机械中凡是与食品接触的部位均由不锈钢制造,或者进行表面处理。

6.The girls did not so much seem accessory wheels to the general machinery as mere cogs to the wheels.那些姑娘仿佛做大机器上附属的齿轮都不如,只配做齿轮里的牙齿。

7.Among companies, he said the bank favors telecommunications and Japanese machinery companies with high barriers of entry.在类股方面,他称野村青睐市场准入门槛很高的电信和日本机械类公司。

8.The formular has been used in making a new heating specification of Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant to improve the heat. . .本研究已用于上海重型机器厂新的钢锭加热规范之中,改进了加热工艺。

9.He revealed that professionals inspect the heavy machinery in the lab every two or three weeks to see whether anything needs to be replaced.他透露到,每隔两到三周专业人员会对实验室中的重型机械进行检查,以确保是否需要更换某些零件。

10.The only machinery apparent was an air conditioner and a very good table saw with a fine sptting blade mounted on it.唯一很明显被看到的机器是一台空调和一张很棒的桌子,上面放着一把不错的美工刀。