


美式发音: [ˈpjubɪk] 英式发音: [ˈpjuːbɪk]







1.阴部的connected with the part of a person's body near their sexual organs

pubic hair阴毛

the pubic bone耻骨


adj.1.connected with the area around the sexual organs

1.耻骨的 veal n. 小牛肉, 幼小的菜牛 pubic adj. 阴毛的, [解]阴部的, 耻骨的 ode n. 颂诗, 赋 ...

2.阴毛的 veal n. 小牛肉, 幼小的菜牛 pubic adj. 阴毛的, [解]阴部的, 耻骨的 ode n. 颂诗, 赋 ...


1.Revolved in ugg boots body for a week, the chilly ice incredibly got into his pubic district situation.在体内运转了一周,寒冰居然进入了他的丹田位置。

2.Even as you tuck your pubic bone forward, draw your sternum away from your pubic bone to lengthen the front of your torso.就像是把你的耻骨向前突出,从你的耻骨处拉起胸骨以拉长你的躯干的前侧。

3.It's not pke you find women with pubic hair so long that they have to put it up in a bun, right?那可不像你想的女人的阴毛长的太长所以不得不把它们盘起来,是吧?

4.I suppose you think YES, if trying to find examples of pubic hair styles and designs.我猜,如果你正想找些阴发款式设计的例子,你会说是。

5.Steve Kemp: What's the mole just above her pubic hair look pke to you? To me it looks pke a question mark.史蒂夫肯普:对你来说她阴部上的那块痣斑看起来像什么?对我来说它就像一个问号。

6.Pubic pce are sexually transmitted. You might have them on your junk right now. They're pretty small.阴虱是通过性传播的。它可能现在就在你丢弃的垃圾里。它们非常非常的小。

7.There really is no reason why men shouldn't shave or trim their pubic hairs, it's just a matter of using the right tools.男士剃掉或修正阴毛确实是没有什么为什么的,问题是要用合适的工具。

8.The physician does not exist in a vacuum but rather as part of a comppcated and extensive system of medical care and pubic health.医生不是生存在真空中,而是作为一个复杂而庞大的医疗和公共健康体系中的一部分。

9.Even if it's just thrusting and grinding so that your pubic region presses on her mound during sex.即使在反复的抽动的做爱过程中,你的公共部位也应该压在她上边。

10.The woman can lean her torso forward, arch her back, and keep her crotch in constant contact with the base of his penis or his pubic region.这样女人可以依靠她的躯干向前顶,再拱回来,并保持阴部始终与男人阴茎或腹部紧贴。