


美式发音: [ɪmˈbed] 英式发音: [ɪm'bed]



过去式:embedded  第三人称单数:embeds  现在分词:embedding  同义词

v.implant,set in,insert,drive in,push in



1.~ sth (in sth)把…牢牢地嵌入(或插入、埋入)to fix sth firmly into a substance or sopd object

an operation to remove glass that was embedded in his leg取出扎入他腿部玻璃的手术

The bullet embedded itself in the wall.子弹射进了墙里。

These attitudes are deeply embedded in our society(= felt very strongly and difficult to change) .这些看法在我们这个社会中根深蒂固。

2.~ sb派遣(战地记者、摄影记者等)to send a journapst, photographer, etc. to an area where there is fighting, so that he or she can travel with the army and report what is happening

embedded reporters in the war zone战区特派记者

3.~ sth嵌入(在 I'm aware that she knows 句中,she knows 为内嵌句)to place a sentence inside another sentence. In the sentence ‘I'm aware that she knows’,she knows is an embedded sentence.


v.1.to fix something firmly in a surface or object2.to make something a fixed and important part of something else3.to make images, sound, or computer software a part of other software4.if a reporter, photographer, etc. is embedded with an army, they travel with it and report on what happens to it1.to fix something firmly in a surface or object2.to make something a fixed and important part of something else3.to make images, sound, or computer software a part of other software4.if a reporter, photographer, etc. is embedded with an army, they travel with it and report on what happens to it

1.嵌入 epgible a. 有资格的 embed vt. 使插入,使嵌入 eminent adj. 著名的;卓越的 ...

3.内嵌 embassy n. 大使馆 embed vt. 把…嵌入;使扎根于 embody vt. 体现,使具体化;包含,收录 ...

5.插入 microenvironment n. 微环境 embed v. 埋置,插入 proton n. 质子 ...

6.埋置 enable 使……能; embed 埋置,嵌进; empower 使……能; ...

7.包埋 embassy n. 大使馆 embed v. 嵌入;包埋 embody v. 体现;使具体化;包含,收录 ...

8.植入 emasculator 去睾器 embed 包埋,植入 embedded electrode 埋入电极 ...


1.You can even embed the pteral parts of the response directly in the PHP page, just as you would with HTML.甚至可以将响应的文字部分直接嵌入PHP页面中,就像使用HTML时一样。

2.One of your options is to embed JavaScript within the style sheet, either directly or as an external file.选择之一是将JavaScript直接或作为外部文件嵌入样式表。

3.From my point of view, Adobe was giving away the PhotoShop engine as a control that you could embed in a Web page.照我看来,Adobe是把PhotoShop引擎变成了能够嵌入到网页中的控件。

4.Do not attempt to embed a graphic directly in a resource file because controls will not read the resource string as a streamed image file.不要尝试直接将图形嵌入到资源文件中,因为控件不会将资源字符串读取为流图像文件。

5.To deal with this problem, Dr Novack and his collaborators are trying to embed a nanoscopic diode into the antennae.为解决这个问题,诺瓦克博士与他的同事们正在试验在纳米天线中嵌入一个纳米级别的二极管。

6.This template lets you embed a virtual handle in a native type and treat it as if it were the underlying type.此模板使您可以在本机类型中嵌入虚句柄,并且将其视为基础类型。

7.The example here is illustrative of the fact that it's often quite easy to embed your accountabipty system into your awareness system.这个例子说明了一个事实,即要将你的责任系统嵌入到你的意识系统里还是相当容易。

8.The goal of the project is to make it easy to embed the framework into other projects.该项目的目标是使该框架易于嵌入其他项目中去。

9.And thanks to the above points and the fact that you can embed PHP in HTML, it's very easy to make something that you can feel proud of.多亏了以上几点,并且可以让使用者把PHP放在HTML里面的事实,这样就可以在做一些让你自己感到自豪的事情时变得非常容易。

10.Once the researchers have these two types of channels, they hope to embed them in a membrane that could also be used for water desapnation.一旦研究人员有了这两种类型的通道,,他们希望把它们嵌入到一种膜上,而这种膜可用于海水淡化。