




1.啊 - Time to die! 去死吧! - Ahhh! ! - Joo got it man! 了解了兄弟 ...

2.外衣和匕首 :deftgh65: 爱暮 :ahhh: 那欸安ㄟ :n3: 真棒 ...

4.安徽省花卉协会 花店花艺/ flc/ 安徽省花卉协会/ ahhh/ 图片链接/ company/index.asp?username=huxianjin ...

5.转过来 ... ahhh~~ 转过来 oh~~~ok~ 噢 好吧 ...

6.开工典礼 ... ahhbqz 开工 ahhh 开工典礼 ahhhnhk 开工典礼 ...


1.For the great taste that won't fill you up and never lets you down. . . -Ahhh! -Make it a Bud Light.为了那让你永不满足而且从不让你失望的绝佳口味…-啊啊!-来喝百威啤酒吧。

2.Ahhh, the human world, it's been a while.啊……人类世界,已经很长时间了……

3.Student: the sun is out, the sun is not out Prof: ahhh, those of view who saw the error, that's quite right.学生:太阳出来了,太阳没出来,教授:啊,那些看到错误的,他们是对的。

4.hey , bob . what ' ll i wear to work ? hey , ahhh , he ' s gone . well , i ' ll have another cup of coffee . maybe the sun ' ll come out.嗨,我穿什么去上班?嗨,唉唉,他走了。好吧,我再来一杯咖啡,也许太阳就要出来。

5.(AHHH! ) Slut, you think I won't choke no whore.荡妇,你以为我不会再哽住了。

6.When people on the other end of the phone mumble, she upbraids them, poptely, "Ahhh just can't understand you, ma'am. "当电话线另一头的人嘟嘟囔囔含糊不清的时候,她客气地对他们表示不满:“喂喂,我听不清楚,太太。”

7.Ahhh. . . I send you my photos around the world. . . the best place I saw.啊。。我将我周游世界我所见过最美的地方的相片寄给你

8.Practice being Gene Simmons from Kiss. Extend your tongue down as far as it can go you and say "AHHH! " just pke you would for the doctor.像吻乐队的吉恩·西蒙斯所做的练习,把舌头尽可能向下伸,并发出“啊”的音,就像你看医生时那样。

9.After Ggong read her message, he said, "Ahhh. . . "孔刘读出短信后说,啊…

10.Mom: Ahhh! ! ! ! Sidney's out of his cage!妈咪:啊!!!!雪黎跑出笼子了!