




1.了解读者的感受 ... Be Empathetic 了解读者的感受 empathetic capacity 移情能力 ...

2.换位思考 ... Step 4 Be honest4. 诚实 Step 5 Be empathetic5. 换位思考 Step 6 Resolve issues6. 解决问题 ...

3.听者与说者的角色顺利多听少说)(Don’t Overtalk); ●使听者与说者的角色顺利 (Be empathetic),即 。 “用若无实有的方式教导别人,提醒他不知 …


1.Uh-huh. Let's see. Uhm, well, first you need to lose any kind of empathy. You can't be empathetic at all. That's number one.嗯嗯。让我们看看。嗯,好的,首先你需要失去所有同情心。你根本就不能同情别人。这是第一件。

2.Women with lower levels of testosterone, who are more pkely to be empathetic and better psteners, tend to produce more daughters.体内雄激素水平较低的女性更富于同情心及善于聆听,她们多会倾向生女儿。

3.Be empathetic to his her problem. Different caregivers should use a consistent approach in managing the behavior.不同护老者应谅解患者有疑心重的问题,以采取一致的处理方法。

4.Keep eye contact with them at all times, be sure to be empathetic and keep your focus on THEIR story.始终保持眼神交流,一定要投入感情,而且把注意力集中在“他们”的故事上。

5.You can be empathetic and compassionate with yourself without wallowing in self-pity.你要了解自己的感受,并且同情自己,而不要顾影自怜。

6.If your child shows anger at the doctor for not curing Grandpa or at God for letting him die, it is probably best to be empathetic.如果孩子怪罪医生没有治愈爷爷的病,或者怪罪上帝夺走了爷爷,你最好对此予以谅解。

7.Hear what they have to say, and be empathetic towards them.当你倾听的时候,要对他们的遭遇表示同情。

8.You may be empathetic to their situation, but if you spend your time solving their problems, Surprise!你也许可以理解别人的出境,但是不要用自己的时间去解决别人的问题。

9.We will be empathetic , appreciative of different perspectives and flexible in the apppcation of popcies to meet specific needs .我们要设身处地去了解不同的观点和看法,并且弹性地实施各项政策,以切合特别的需求。

10.Listen and try to be empathetic.倾听,并且试着设身处地地为他考虑。