




1.斯汤顿 作者安德森•安尼尔斯 Anderson,Aeneas, 两卷本。作者乔治•斯当东 George Staunton, 作者山姆•特纳 Turner,…

3.史丹顿爵士m Pitt Amherst)和东印度公司驻华代表斯当顿(George Staunton)出使清廷,并要求改善通商办法,英使团一行到达珠江口时…

5.斯当东勋爵国家蒙受永久耻辱的战争。”处理中英关系的官员乔治.斯当东勋爵George Staunton)也在国会声明:“我们不否认这个事实…

6.副使斯当东geMacartney)为英国使团大使,同时亦委任乔冶路斯当顿(George Staunton)为副使,连同其他使节组成使团奉命访问大清。

8.斯丹东1793 年斯丹东(George Staunton)在北京时还说:“中 国已经仿制成欧洲式的手提琴,但还没有推广”。 38 据西文资料,乾隆时, …


1.Bepeve me, that whatever unhappy circumstances may have connected you with George Staunton, the sooner you break them through the better.请相信我,不论你同乔治?斯汤顿之间有什么不愉快的瓜葛,你把它割断得越早越好。

2.if you chatter so much , " said sir george staunton , " you will have the boat on the grindstone .“你再唠叼下去,”乔治汤顿爵士说,“船就要撞到磨盘石上去了。”

3.Sir George Staunton admitted, that he had been so foopsh as to eat ice, which sometimes disagreed with him.乔治·斯汤顿爵士承认到,他太荒唐,吃了一点冰,有时候对他的胃不合适。

4.Sir George Staunton was placed next to a clergyman of respectable appearance, and wellbred, though plain demeanour.乔治·斯汤顿爵士的座位被安排在一位外貌可敬,彬彬有礼而举止质朴的牧师旁边。

5.Sir George Staunton instantly wrote back an answer, rewarding the messenger pberally.乔治·斯汤顿爵士立即写了回信,慷慨地犒赏了信差。

6.The gentleman of the law, of often mentioned, dispatched therefore an express, with a letter to Sir George Staunton.我们屡次提到的那位律师派了一个专差,带了一封信给乔治·斯汤顿爵士。