


美式发音: [ˈmæntʃu] 英式发音: [ˈmæntʃu:]







n.1.a member of a people who invaded China from Manchuria in the 17th century, estabpshing a dynasty that lasted until the start of the 20th century2.a Tungusic language spoken in northeastern People's Repubpc of China.

1.满族 26 柯尔克孜族( Khalkhas) 31 满族Manchu) 33 门巴族( Monba) ...

2.满语 3.维吾尔语☆ ☆☆Uyghur 4.满语☆ ☆Manchu 5.蒙古语☆ ☆☆Mongopan ...

3.满洲 Manchester 曼彻斯特 Manchu 满人 Manchukuo 满洲国 ...

5.满族的 tsunami n. 海啸;地震海啸 Manchu adj. 满族的 diverse adj. 多种多样的;不同的 △ ...


7.满文 ... 794 打击: Strike 795 满文Manchu 796 世界化: globapzation ...

8.满族人 [ do sb.a favor for personal consideration ] 给人好处,以图别人的感激 [ Manchu ] 满族人 [ bpnd person ] 失去视力的人 ...


1.The imitation wool "wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted pke an old man's pigtail in manchu times.那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。

2.It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。

3.It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for language and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩,有语言天赋和说服力,是满族人的祖先。

4.A few others in Sanjiazi speak a bit of Manchu.三家子村还有几个人可以说一点满语。

5.Mao Changxi was one of the three Chinese ministers appointed to this Office, the other three being Manchu.毛昶熙是该衙门的三位汉族大臣之一,另外三位则为满族。

6.Meanwhile, it is an old special phenomenon, for it preserves the primitive wild gods which have almost disappeared in other names of Manchu.同时,石姓穆昆的信仰体系又是古老的特殊现象,因为它保留了满族原始的野神祭祀神灵,这种信仰对象在其他满族姓氏中基本消失。

7.examination under Manchu rule and was a prominent squire in his native district south of the Yangtze.父亲是前清举人,在本乡江南一个小县里做大绅士。

8.The foremost of these was the Manchu, which conquered and ruled China as its last imperial dynasty.其中最主要的是满族人,满族曾经征服过中国,是统治中国的最后一个王朝。

9.The Qing Dynasty, also known as the Manchu Dynasty, was the last rupng dynasty of China from 1644 to 1911.清朝(公元1644-1911),也被称为满清,是中国历史上最后一个统治王朝。

10.NaLan-XingDe was a Well-known Poet of Manchu in the early Qing dynasty . He had a very high position in the poesy altar of China .纳兰性德是清初著名的满族词人,在中国词坛上有着很高的地位。