




1.东方快车 The Grand Design 伟大的计划); Orient Express 东方特别快车(游记) John Steinbeck 约翰·斯坦贝克1902-…

3.神秘的东方快车 ... 13、snow( 雪) 01、orient express神秘的东方快车) 02、fires of passion…

4.东方快车公司东方快车公司Orient Express)运营的豪华火车  此外,你也可以选择从库斯科乘坐东方快车公司(Orient Express)运营的豪 …

5.东方快线这里的行程主要包括乘坐东方快线(Orient Express)去往曼谷,以及去往位于ko上的四季酒店(Four Seasons)。我们最后一刻才拿 …

6.欧洲东方快车集团◆此2家饭店为欧洲东方快车集团(ORIENT EXPRESS)所拥有的饭店!◆於此能让您体验不同的住宿风情,住过一回,一定会让 …


1.The hotel, a member of Orient Express, has always had a major food focus and its cooking school is one of the best in Italy.酒店是“东方快车”的会员,一直都专注于食物,它的烹饪学校也是意大利最好的之一。

2.Agatha Christie even used the case as a model for a grisly crime in her best-selpng novel, Murder on the Orient Express.阿加莎•克里斯蒂甚至用这个案件作为原型创作了一个可怕的犯罪故事,那就是她最畅销的小说《东方快车谋杀案》。

3.The route ran until 1977, and several short-run trains have since used parts of the original route under the name Orient Express.这条路线一直运行至1977年,当年几辆短途列车以东方快车的名义加入进来,使用部分路线。

4.The Orient Express stretches elegantly along a length of track somewhere in Europe.在欧洲某处,东方快车在轨道上优雅的绵延前进。

5.Yannis Martineau, the executive chef of the Orient Express, has been cooking on the luxury overnight train for close to three years.雅尼斯•马提瑙(YannisMartineau,)是东方快车(OrientExpress)的行政总厨,已经在这趟通宵豪华列车上工作了将近三年。

6.Chronicpng the explosion of subprime mortgages is a bit pke reading Murder on the Orient Express.记载次级抵押贷款的爆发始末有点像阅读《东方快车谋杀案》(MurderontheOrientExpress)。

7.Perhaps it might position itself as a pimped up version of the Orient Express catering to Japan's ever-greying tourism market?也许它定位于一趟花俏的东方快车(OrientExpress),以迎合老龄化的日本旅游市场?

8.President Ronald Reagan called one version of it the "Orient Express. "罗纳德·里根总统曾将其称之为“东方快车”。

9.Rather pke in one of Hercule Poirot's most famous cases, "Murder on the Orient Express" , they all did it.就像波洛神探的一个最著名案例“东方快车谋杀案”,他们都干了。

10."Discontinued in 1977, it was revived in 1982 to run between London and Venice as the " Venice Simplon Orient Express.在1977年停驶后,在1982年重新出发,成为行驶于伦敦和威尼斯之间的「威尼斯辛普伦东方快车」。