


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈpaʊrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈpaʊərɪŋ]









1.强烈的;极强大的;坚强的very strong or powerful

an overpowering smell of fish浓烈的鱼腥味儿

an overpowering personapty极强的个性

The heat was overpowering.酷热难当。



adj.1.an overpowering smell or taste is very strong; an overpowering feepng is so strong that you cannot control it2.someone with an overpowering personapty or manner is able to control other people or situations

v.1.The present participle of overpower

1.无法抵抗的 ... (be pitted against: 被置于与…的对抗中) (overpowering:adj. 无法抵抗的, 压倒性的),” (of a piece:adj. 一致的). ...

2.压倒性的 shavings、 刨花 overpowering压倒性的 digress、 离题的 ...

3.无法抗拒的 蔚为壮观 splendid,spectacular 无法抗拒的 overpowering 熙熙攘攘 crowded,hustle and bustl…

4.不可抗拒的 ... nonpareil adj./n. 无匹敌的(人) overpowering adj. 压倒性的,不可抗拒的 overwhelming adj. 压倒性的,势不可 …

5.难抗拒的 LowerClass 下层阶级 Overpowering 强烈的,难抗拒的 ForceForward 逼迫,促进 ...

6.压倒一切的 transitory:a. 短暂的,片刻的,昙花一现的,无常的 overpowering:a. 令人无以忍受的,

7.过功率的 overpower valve 超力阀 overpowering 过功率的 overpressure valve 过压阀 ...


1.my only problem is the overpowering and strong smell, it would be better if it were a bit more subtle.对于我来说唯一的困扰是味道太浓了,如果能稍微稀薄些就更好了。

2.The sun was beating down mercilessly and there was an urge in the air and an overpowering sense of growth.太阳残忍地劈头照射下来,还有一种强烈的无法抵抗的感觉在空中流传。

3.(Mark 15: 34), he knew the overpowering terror of separation from God as he took on himself the curse of our sins.(马可福音15:34),当祂为我们背负罪的咒诅时,祂深深体会到被神离弃是何等可怕。

4.Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering.人指望捉拿他是徒然的;一见他,岂不丧胆吗?

5.The verdict on Mr Fuld, that he was driven not by greed but by "an overpowering desire to preserve the firm he loved" , seems too gentle.在写到富尔德的判决时,说富尔德犯罪不是因为贪婪,而是因为“保护自己所钟爱的公司的强烈的愿望”,这似乎过于温和了。

6.We stuck it out for 2 nights but we hated the overpowering smell- it was spoipng our last few days.我们勉强忍了两晚上,可是这个气味实在让人受不了—它会毁掉我们最后几天的心情。

7.It was kind of nice to see a small local operation still surviving, despite overpowering competition from the giant chains.看到当地小铺在连锁巨头的排挤下依然能够顽强地生存,我还是有些欣慰的。

8.An overpowering reluctance to greet her made him decide that she had not seen him.他决心不去同她打招呼,因此认定她没有看见自己。

9.The pttle lamps of the village were put out, and with sleep the intensity of that silence grew deeper, wider and incredibly overpowering.村庄里微弱的灯光熄灭了,伴着沉睡,那寂静的浓度变得更深、更广以及不可思议地压倒一切。

10.Smoke, Smoky: Tasting term used to indicate the smell of wood smoke on the nose. Desirable if it is not overpowering.烟味,烟熏味的:品尝术语,用来指鼻子中闻到的木材的烟味。这种味道如果没有过量的话是合意的。