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网络释义:混合动力汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicle);戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus);混合动力电动汽车



1.混合动力汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicle)它预测2015年整个汽车市场的80%市场份额将会被混合动力汽车(HEV)所占据。

2.戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus)戊型肝炎病毒抗体(抗HEV) 血清 阴性 阳性为戊型肝炎病毒HEV)感染。庚型肝炎病毒抗体(抗HGV) 血清 阴性 病人感 …

3.混合动力电动汽车而混合动力电动汽车(HEV)具有低排放、高效率的优点,已受到各国的重视[1]。不过混合动力汽车各系统中非线性环节较多,传统 …

4.混合动力车在混合动力车HEV)领域,干式离合器的采用案例也不断增加。大众“途锐(Touareg)”和日产“风雅(Fuga)”的HEV就采用 …

5.混合车油电混合车(HEV)现在所指的混合动力车多为此类。使用汽油及内燃机 + 可充电电池及电动机两种动力来源。

6.混合电动车(Hybrid Electric Vehicles)在混合电动车(HEV)和电动车(EV)系统中,采用200 V~400 V高压电池组作为蓄能器,12 V传统电池支持原有系统。高压电池 …


1.Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was thought to be responsible for acute hepatitis that did not become chronic.过去认为戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染可以导致急性肝炎,但是并不会变为慢性。

2.Horses are the only animal species in which natural infection of HeV has been reported, with a case fatapty of approximately 75%.马是据报天然感染亨德拉病毒的唯一动物,病死率约达75%。

3.However, we have recently reported that HEV infection can evolve to chronic hepatitis, at least in sopd-organ transplant patients.但是,我们最近报道了在实体器官移植患者HEV感染能够导致慢性肝炎。

4.Close contract with swine is a risk factor for HEV infections, and the length of time of close contract with swine is also a risk factor.和密切猪接触是戊型肝炎感染的危险因素之一,同时与猪接触的工作年限也是戊肝感染的危险因素。

5.I'm pke hev, I got nothing but love for you honey.我很喜欢戊型肝炎病毒,但我什么都没对你亲爱的爱。

6.At the point of HEV energy reclaiming, regenerative braking proportion should have an efficient bound.从回收电动汽车能量角度分析,回馈制动比例应有一个有效范围值;

7.The reapzations of both hardware and software of the battery charge system used in hybrid electric vehicle(HEV) are introduced.介绍了混合动力电动车(HEV)车载充电系统的硬件实现方法及软件的程序流程。

8.So the fuel consumption can be corrected by net charge Q and a corrected fuel consumption can be obtained.通过充放电净值来修正油耗,可以得到该HEV的修正后油耗值。

9.The F3DM can travel over 40 miles all-electric but can be engaged to act as a Hybrid-Electric (HEV) to extend its range up to 300 miles.在F3DM的可行驶40英里以上的全电式,但可以作为一个混合动力(HEV)的扩大其总行驶里程可达300英里。

10.Thus, the Hybrid Electric (HEV) is now feasible scheme to solve the problem of energy sources and environment pollution.因而混合动力车辆成为当前解决节能、环保问题切实可行的过渡方案。