

eclipse:[英 [ɪˈklɪps] 美 [ɪˈklɪps] ]


过去式:eclipsed;   过去分词:eclipsed;   现在分词:eclipsing;   复数形式:eclipses;

eclipse 基本解释

名词[天](日、月)食; 消失,黯然失色; 漆黑

及物动词使黯然失色; 形成日(或月)食

eclipse 相关例句


1. The moon is partly eclipsed.


2. Our happiness was eclipsed by the terrible news.


3. eclipse的反义词

3. This news eclipses everything else.


4. eclipse

4. She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.



1. There will be a total eclipse of the sun next Monday.


eclipse 网络解释

1. 超越:由于本书具有内容充实、信息充足、实践性、理论性兼而有之的特点,因此,...全书以日本三菱汽车公司1995年后生产的三菱金刚石(Diamante)、超越(Eclipse)、戈蓝(Galant)、海市蜃楼(Mirage)、蒙特洛(Montero)和三菱3000GT等轿车的最新车型的电控系统为主,

eclipse 双语例句


1. This very powerful eclipse shows dramatic changes in your career and your spiritual practices.


2. Originally, he had planned to begin selling the Eclipse 500 in 2004, but the Michigan-based company Eclipse had contracted with to provide the engines for the aircraft failed to deliver as promised. the engines the company supplied failed safety and durability standards in short test flights, forcing Raburn to cancal the contract and to push back the delivery date of the company`s first jets by two years.

最初,他计划在2004年开始销售Eclipse 500根据上下文应该是喷气式飞机的型号),但是位于密歇根州的飞机发动机制造商Eclipse未能按照合同的约定标准进行送货。在短距离飞行测试中,他们提供的发动机在安全性和耐久性方面都达不到要求,这迫使Raburn取消了与这家公司的合同并将公司喷气式飞机面市的时间推迟了两年。

3. This flower only bloomed during the very short duration of an eclipse.


4. It is most unfortunate that an eclipse of such long duration does not occur during a more favorable season with a better cloud climatology.


5. eclipse是什么意思

5. Eclipse: Buff duration extended to 15 sec and bonuses doubled.


6. In comparison, the 2009 eclipse has a maximum duration of 6 min 39 s although it occurs in the Pacific Ocean.



7. That annular eclipse had a maximum duration of 12 minutes and 9 seconds at its climax, the longest in almost two thousand years.

该次日食於最大食地点之环食时间达 12 分 9 秒,为近二千年来最长的环食。

8. According to the experts estimated that the total solar eclipse duration will be from 1991 to 2132 the longest time of 141 years a total solar eclipse, which occurred in August last year in Northwest China`s total solar eclipse only 98 seconds.


9. High, higher than the sun You shoot me from a gun I need you to elevate me here At corner of your lips As the orbit of your hips Eclipse You elevate my soul I`ve got no self control Been living like a mole now Going down, excavation I and I in the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation A star Lit up like a cigar Strung out like a guitar Maybe you can educate my mind Explain all these controls Can`t sing but I`ve got soul The goal is elevation A mole Digging in a hole Digging up my soul now Going down, excavation I and I in the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation Love Lift me up out of these blues Won`t you tell me something true I believe in you A mole Digging in a hole Digging up my soul now Going down, excavation Higher now In the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Redacted by Jerry

高度,更高的比太阳你射击我从炮 I需要你到举起我在这里在你的嘴唇的角落你的臀的同样地轨道日蚀你举起我的灵魂 I`ve得到没有自己控制是生活象痣现在去向下的,挖掘 I和我在天你制造我意欲我能苍蝇因而高度上升 A星点着向上象雪茄有吸毒瘾的象吉他大概你能教育我的头脑解释全部的。这些控制能`t唱但是I`ve得到灵魂目的是上升 A痣挖掘在洞挖掘向上我的灵魂现在去向下的,挖掘 I和我在天你制造我意欲我能苍蝇因而高度上升爱。这些抑郁的举起我向上外面的 Won`t你告诉我某事真实的 I信仰你 A痣挖掘在洞挖掘向上我的灵魂现在去向下的,挖掘更高的现在在天你制造我意欲我能苍蝇因而高度上升上升上升上升上升编辑在草率的

10. eclipse的解释

10. Significance of solar and lunar eclipse in scientific research; 2. Analyzing lunar surface sunlight and temperature during lunar eclipse is significant.


11. By July 11, you will have an eclipse and that one could make it possible to leave your job.



12. There is a story about Christopher Columbus and an eclipse of the moon.


13. This project is an Eclipse plug-in unit.



14. Therefore, what one does in terms of prenatal eclipse directives is of utmost importance, for the eighth house links the pa st, present and future.


15. But for a total lunar eclipse, a function would be used for calculating its five eclipse pheaes.


16. Nay, so completely might this idea of dominion by virtue of priority eclipse the primary sense of the term `first-born` in some of its uses, that it is given as a title to God Himself by R.


17. eclipse的解释

17. This unprecedented is confronting intensely the moment, the Moon has prepares to resemble happen to revolves the revolution, the month is early the spatial nuclear bomb defense network and the Earth among, the instant entire interspace performance had achieved as soon as the highest tide, on the Earth the instant, appeared the extremely clear billion years all rare to see, artificial creation place total lunar eclipse process, because the luminous point approached the Moon also the light extremely exceptionally is intense, therefore the Moon huge projection, projected slowly to the Earth on, on the Earth the partial surfaces instantaneous entered the jet black dark night by the dazzling daytime, afterwards the Moon lacked slowly by the round extension, the dark night restored slowly to the dazzling daytime, The total lunar eclipse process has continued about fully five minutes, has been separated from humanity's line of sight only then gradually, in addition certain areas daybreak time-sharing sun light joined, the entire month is a space, just like is holding an occasion unmatched in grandeur the interspace neon party, flickers each kind of strange light to take turns to be taken to the threshing ground, has left behind the intense visual impact to the human, this end is a man-made interspace grand feast, is the humanity to the entire outer space, not!


18. Use eclipse, RCP development of the user interface, a model of ontology editing content.


19. eclipse在线翻译

19. In the year of 1954 French scientist Maurice Allais found an unexplained phenomenon: in observing total solar eclipse, Allais found that a pendulum swing plane suddenly changed the direction of motion, that is, when the Earth, the sun and the moon are in a straight line, the law of motion in space will be changed.


20. eclipse

20. The eclipse (and its supernatural significance as a heavenly omen) is depicted with octatonic chord successions, in this case 7th-chords with roots a minor 3rd or tritone apart.


eclipse 词典解释

1. (日)食;(月)食

An eclipse of the sun is an occasion when the moon is between the earth and the sun, so that for a short time you cannot see part or all of the sun. An eclipse of the moon is an occasion when the earth is between the sun and the moon, so that for a short time you cannot see part or all of the moon.


e.g. ...an eclipse of the sun.


e.g. ...the solar eclipse on May 21st.


2. 使黯然失色;使相形见绌;盖过

If one thing is eclipsed by a second thing that is bigger, newer, or more important than it, the first thing is no longer noticed because the second thing gets all the attention.

e.g. The gramophone had been eclipsed by new technology such as the compact disc...


e.g. Of course, nothing is going to eclipse winning the Olympic title.


eclipse 单语例句

1. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air.

2. My final suggestion would be to visit the Three Gorges Dam area, although I am not sure how well centered this area is over the eclipse line.

3. Guo and Zhou are expecting their first baby this year and want to ensure the eclipse is recorded in the year of their child's birth.

4. The star is expected to close out his run on The Twilight Saga with the upcoming Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

5. The eclipse will coincide with this year's traditional Chinese Lantern Festival when the moon will be wholly shadowed by the Earth.

6. Astrologers have predicted a rise in communal and regional violence in the days following the eclipse.

7. While the country is getting ever enthusiastic over next Wednesday's solar eclipse, those hoping to glimpse the event may find the weather dampening their day.

8. He said that this total solar eclipse is especial as it becomes total darkness and occurs within a long span of time.

9. Police in Jiangxi province will be on red alert when the streets are pitched into darkness by the total solar eclipse on Wednesday.

10. A woman was killed in a stampede at the Ganges river in India, where devout Hindus had gathered for the eclipse.

eclipseeclipse 英英释义


1. one celestial body obscures another

Synonym: occultation



1. cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention

e.g. The Sun eclipses the moon today

Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies

Synonym: occult

2. be greater in significance than

e.g. the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness

Synonym: overshadowdominate