




1.注意力不集中 ) focusing attention 注意力集中 ) lack of concentration 注意力不集中 ) concentration exercises 集中注意力练习 ...

2.不专心 不信任﹝ doubt﹞ 不专心lack of concentration﹞ 帕坦加利提出了八个项目﹝ eight-fold path…

3.缺乏集中力 General fatigue 疲倦 Lack of concentration 集中力差 Insomnia 失眠 ...

5.缺乏注意力 Knee Pain 膝盖疼痛 Lack of Concentration 缺乏注意力 Lack of Motivation 精力不足 ...

6.因注意力不集中听力理解过程中因注意力不集中( lack of concentration)而出现不能完全理解听力材料的现象, 具体表现为: 暂时性的失忆( Blackin…


1.In certain moments we did not manage to be concrete, perhaps because of a lack of concentration, but the team still played well.有一段时间里我们不是团结,可能是因为注意力不集中。不过球队依然表现的很好。

2.Both types of distractors must be understood before the student can attempt to remedy his lack of concentration.在学生尝试补救自己注意力缺乏之前,应当首先了解这两种干扰物。

3.Helmut's problems were compounded by his lack of concentration.赫尔穆特的问题是精神不集中引起的

4.Lack of concentration is a symptom, not the cause, of difficulty.缺乏集中力是困难的征兆,而不是原因。

5.A lack of concentration, a lack of communication, a lack of coordination and individual urgency [is behind the goals we have conceded].缺乏专注,缺乏沟通,缺乏合作,个别人很着急,这是我们丢球背后的原因。

6.other symptoms included lack of concentration , headaches , depression and anxiety panic attacks.其他症状还包括注意力难以集中,头痛,沮丧,以及焦虑和恐慌。

7.But normal sadness can also be accompanied by sleeplessness, lack of concentration and changed appetite.但正常的悲伤也会伴有失眠、注意力不集中和食欲改变。

8.Guardiola: "The draw wasn't due to lack of concentration. We did things well. The merit goes to Sociedad" #fcbpve.瓜迪奥拉:平局并不是因为没有集中注意力。我们做的很好。这是皇家社会应有的回报。

9.Faipng to get enough sleep can lead to depression, lack of concentration and personapty changes.而睡眠不足则会导致情绪低落、注意力不集中及性格变化。

10.Coffee, for example, when consumed in excess , leads to a lack of concentration .例如咖啡,过量饮用会导致注意力涣散。