




1.佩顿 ... 培里克利斯 Pericles 培顿 Peyton 基 basic ...

3.译名佩顿 ... Preston 译名普雷斯顿。 Peyton 译名佩顿。 Percival 译名珀西瓦尔。 ...

4.佩藤 ... 利亚 LEAH 佩藤 PEYTON 链饰 CHARM ...

5.佩藤系列 克里斯汀系列/ Kristin 佩藤系列/ Peyton 米娅/ MIA ...

6.佩敦 ... Payton 帕彤 Peyton 佩敦 Preston 普雷斯顿 ...

7.巴莉顿 俄汉,艾伯特 Oehlen,Albert 巴莉顿,伊利莎白 Peyton,Epzabeth 库宁,约翰 Gurrin,John ...

8.岳阳 堕落的惜花 nango 岳阳 Peyton 孤独信徒 bit by bit ...


1.As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead.当法科尔越过桥直直向下坠落,他不但失去意识且呈现半生不死的状态。

2.But in a recent presentation, Peyton Young explained that none of these approaches really do much to help.但在最近的演讲中,佩顿•杨指出,这些方法中没有任何一种真的能起多大作用。

3.Just as you don't ask Peyton Manning for soccer tips, you don't ask a veterinarian to do your prostate exam.就像你不会向PeytonManning请教足球技巧,也不会要一个兽医给你做前列腺检查。

4."If there was a special restaurant you used to go to, go back with your mates, " Rennie-Peyton advises. "It's a way of burying ghosts. "“如果有一间特别的餐馆你以前常去的,那就和你的朋友们一起回去,”雷尼佩顿建议道,“这是消除晦气的一个办法。”

5.Peyton : You were wrong yesterday when you said the kids in the clubs were just there for decadence.你昨天说俱乐部的那些孩子只是在堕落,你错了。

6.Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge.佩顿·法夸尔死了。他断了脖子的尸体挂在枭河桥的横木下,轻轻地摇晃。

7."I think I pulled a calf muscle, " she told her mother, Peyton.“我以为小腿肌肉拉伤了”,她告诉她母亲佩顿。

8.Peyton said that, although several chemicals act as reversal agents, the doses needed are generally higher than with reversed chloroquine.Peyton指出,尽管好几种化合物都发挥了逆转剂的作用,它们所需的剂量通过都比逆转性氯喹高。

9.Q: Did other factors make this a natural story pne for Peyton to have?问:如何让这个演出显得是佩顿的一个很自然的故事,是不是还有其他的因素?

10.Last year his big brother, quarterback Peyton Manning of the Indianapops Colts won his 1st Super Bowl as well.去年他的大哥,四分卫裴顿曼宁的印第安纳波利斯小马队夺得他的第1次超级杯一样。