

rainy:[英 [ˈreɪni] 美 [ˈreni] ]


rainy 基本解释



rainy 相关例句


1. rainy什么意思

1. Most tropical areas have rainy and dry seasons.


2. Last week was very rainy; rain fell every day.


rainy 情景对话

Car Crash-(车祸)

A:That looks like a bad accident.


B:Yeah, should we get out and help?


A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.


B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.


A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.


B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.


A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.



B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.


A:All right.


rainy 网络解释

1. rainy的反义词

1. 下雨:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.

2. 雨:只有在有冰雪的(snowy)日子,才穿厚实的衣服,才戴毛纺的手套,而不是在晴(sunny)天,雨(rainy)天,或阴(cloudy)天. 后文的summertime有某种暗示. 夏天的日子里,她显露出/穿出(bring out)整洁的束着腰带的棉布女服,帽子戴在头上,

3. rainy的近义词

3. 多雨:今天外教老师把我们大家带到与我们密切相关的天气(Weather)当中,我们大家都做了一次天气预报小专家(Weather forecasts ),把有关各种天气名称和温度都记住了,春天(Spring)天气是多雨(Rainy夏天(Summer)天气是晴朗(Sunny

4. rainy的翻译

4. 下雨的:put放;位置 | rainy 下雨的 | rain下雨

rainy 双语例句

1. Before establishment of SEASM, if southerly moisture transportation through the meridional moisture channel is very strong, the convection activity becomes more active around the IndochinaPeninsula and the rainy season begins earlier in Yunnan corresponsively.


2. rainy的近义词

2. E, electrical work on rainy days must wear insulated shoes.


3. rainy的近义词

3. He visited her on a rainy morning.


4. On a rainy morning, I need to see the blue sky or stars.


5. The dark rainy morning put her in a bad mood.


6. rainy

6. One cold rainy day she walked down Brookline Street looking for a job in a Chinese restaurant. Again and again she was turned down.


7. Yes, I`ve had rheumatism in my shoulder, and in rainy weather I can`t sleep.



8. Yes, I've had rheumatism in my shoulder, and in rainy weather I can't sleep.


9. Occasionally, one or two of cloudy rainy day, I'll wait for you for a long time to light the occasional passing thought of as the pace or the wheel is you.


10. rainy的意思

10. A rainy day in hometown is just like a dream of last night.


11. Average annual precipitation 1079.3 mm, the annual average of 126 rainy days.

年平 均降水量1079.3毫米,年平均雨日126天。

12. rainy的意思

12. Study is made of climatic variation of rainfall and rainy on a yearly, monthly and daily basis in terms of 1961–1999 data from 36 stations in Zhejiang Province.


13. Light rolled gauze curtain, opened the window Xuan, breezy and rainy night came to listen to the wind and rain lingering.


14. One rainy morning in the month of March, a young man, carefully wrapped in his cloak, stood under the awning of a shop opposite this old house, which he was studying with the enthusiasm of an antiquary.


15. rainy什么意思

15. By using significance test of two-dimensional wind fields anomalies and Monte Carlo simulation experiment scheme, the significance features of wind fields anomalies are investigated in relation to flood/drought during the first rainy season in south China.


16. Immediately prior to rainy seasons the grass is best left with long stems.



17. In fact, i really don't like rain, besides the rain can cause low pressure which make people feel choky, and i always feel some kind of sadness when rainy day. i don't know why, perhaps the sound of drippy alway make peole remember the past story, who knows.


18. Since then, Robinson one half of the rainy season on sow seeds to test, in order to get more food.


19. In fact, boring rainy days also ask the tremolo of the strings.


20. rainy是什么意思

20. Although it's a rainy day, after all it's in summer.


rainy 词典解释

1. (时期、季节等)多雨的

During a rainy day, season, or period it rains a lot.

e.g. They walked along the promenade on a rainy night...


e.g. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.


2. 以备不时之需;未雨绸缪

If you say that you are saving something, especially money, for a rainy day, you mean that you are saving it until a time in the future when you might need it.

e.g. I'll put the rest in the bank for a rainy day.


rainy 单语例句

1. The area bounced back quickly and had returned to its normal bustle on a rainy Monday morning.

2. According to her, the ministry has decided to carry on this operation every year in the rainy season.

3. The rainy weather since Wednesday may not clear until the middle of next week.

4. It's better to make your trip coincide with the rainy season - boats can get stranded when the water level is too low.

5. The special continental monsoon climate characteristics make the winter cold and dry, and summer rainy and hot.

6. The only water source for locals was said to be from big pits they dug to conserve water in the rainy seasons.

7. Local residents have invented their own style of covered corridors as shelter from the rain due to the especially rainy weather in the area.

8. It is a place where hot winds rush north and cold ones drift south, creating rainy and foggy weather that lingers for days at a time.

9. It is the first cyclone Shanghai has experienced since the city entered this year's rainy period on June 17.

10. The depletion of trees will expose the country to flash floods in the rainy season, he said.

rainy的反义词rainy 英英释义


1. (of weather) wet by periods of rain

e.g. showery weather

rainy days

Synonym: showery