


美式发音: [ˈkæməˌmaɪl] 英式发音: ['kæməmaɪl]






1.苹果菊,春黄菊,甘菊(花及叶可制茶、药等)a plant with a sweet smell and small white and yellow flowers. Its dried leaves and flowers are used to make tea, medicine, etc.

chamomile tea苹果菊茶


n.1.Same as camomile2.a plant with a pleasant smell and small white flowers with yellow centers. Its flowers and leaves are often dried and used for making tea

1.洋甘菊 Calendula 金盏花 Chamomile 洋甘菊, 罗马洋甘菊, ... Wine Extract 葡萄酒萃取 ...

3.黄春菊 玫瑰精油 Rose 洋甘菊精油 Chamomile 甜茴香精油 Aniseed ...


8.洋柑菊洋柑菊Chamomile)有清热解毒效果,一般可应用於感冒、喉咙痛、眼目昏花、头痛、炫晕;有降血压作用,驱风健胃、抗 …


1.Drink chamomile tea with ginger before going to bed to aid and settle your digestive system. Warm milk can be a sleep aid as well.睡前喝点甘菊茶,加一点生姜,可以帮助平复消化系统。温牛奶也可以帮助睡眠。

2.Chamomile is good for soothing skin and irritated scalps; this herb is often recommended for people with sensitive skin.洋甘菊有利于润滑肌肤和治疗头皮发炎。这种草药经常推荐给有敏感肌肤的人。

3.Infused with meadowsweet to help purify skin as well as aloe and chamomile to protect against Dryness and reduce the appearance of redness.沉浸在绣线菊来帮助净化肌肤以及芦荟、洋甘菊,防止干裂和减少出现红肿。

4.Chamomile protects the digestive system. The combination of these two herbal partners works together to help you bid farewell to stress.而黄金菊则可促进消化系统健康,两者相辅相承,助你告别压力,身心都得到纾解。

5.For skin problems German Chamomile seems to be the best.但对于皮肤类问题则德国洋甘菊似乎才是最好的。

6.Common essential oils used for aromatherapy include chamomile, geranium, lavender, tea tree, lemon, cedarwood and bergamot.常见的精油芳香疗法包括使用洋甘菊,天竺葵,薰衣草,茶树,柠檬,雪松木及佛手柑。

7.Chamomile tea has a calming effect which reduce the physical and mental stress, making this tea perfect beverage to be consumed before bed.菊花茶具有镇定效果,可以降低身体和精神的压力,是完美的睡前饮料。

8.Ingredient: Microcystis sugar source, chamomile extract , soft malt extract , seaweed polysaccharides, epidermal growth factor.成份:微囊糖源,甘菊萃取液,软麦芽提取物,海藻多糖,表皮生长因子。

9.From intoxicating aroma to sweet taste, the fruit from the chamomile, fruits and herbs, blending the name.从醉人的芳香到甜甜的味道,由甘菊果实、水果和药草拼配得名。

10.To prepare the best chamomile tea, the dried flower heads must be relatively fresh and highly aromatic.要做最好的甘菊茶,干花头必须保持相对新鲜和高度芳香。