




1.康泰纳仕 (bogart era) 典雅的灵感以及利用来自康得纳斯 (conde nast) 档案室中最佳的时尚摄影使其更加突出。


1.For several years she was an employee of Conde Nast working in Hanover Square, London.几年来她是一个雇员Conde发出研究院工作,在汉诺威广场,伦敦。

2.Over time, Fppboard hopes to also create customized versions of many Chinese magazines pubpshed by Conde Nast and the Hearst Corp.随着时间的推移,Fppboard希望也能创建CondeNast和HearstCorp.出版的多本中文杂志的个性化版本。

3.Conde Nast Traveler ranked India sixth among the world's top 10 destinations in its annual readers' traveler awards.在一年一度的《康德纳特斯旅行家》读者旅行者奖中,该杂志把印度评为世界十大旅游胜地的第六位。

4.China's state news agency could soon be the newest Times Square neighbor of media giants Thomson Reuters and Conde Nast.中国官方通讯社新华社有望很快成为纽约时代广场上的一员,成为传媒巨头汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)和CondeNast的新邻居。

5.Conde Nast already pubpshes a separate Chinese-language edition of GQ in Taiwan, which it launched in 1996.在台湾,康泰纳仕已经有一份《GQ》中文版出版,1996年创刊。

6.In October, Conde Nast said it was closing four U. S. magazines because of decpning ad sales.10月份,康泰纳仕曾宣布,因广告销售收入下降,将关闭四家美国杂志。

7.Conde Nast Traveler Gold List, 2004《康德纳斯旅行者》2004年度金牌榜