

decisive:[英 [dɪˈsaɪsɪv] 美 [dɪˈsaɪsɪv] ]


decisive 基本解释


形容词决定性的; 坚定的; 果断的,决断的

decisive 同义词




decisive 反义词


decisive 相关例句


1. A decisive person is needed to deal with the situation.


2. He gave a decisive answer.


decisive 网络解释

1. decisive

1. 果断:商务英语报告写作的总体原则 在撰写商务英语报告时,应确保报告内容准确无误(Accurate),简明扼要(Brief),结构清晰(Clear),建议明确果断(Decisive),故简称ABCD原则.具体内容如下: 内容准确无误:报告的正确性不仅仅是指英语语法,


2. 决定性:Blog与print academia之间有紧张,但不一定要冲突,决定性(decisive)的因素是一个关键的非决定性(indeterministic)因素---实践. 这是我的基本看法.

3. 决定性的, 坚定的, 果断的:Rational 理性的, 合理的 | Decisive 决定性的, 坚定的, 果断的 | Reflective 反射的, 反映的

decisive 双语例句

1. In regard to directing, the author concluded the ideas of directing in unison, strictly disciplined and being decisive and cautious according to the divinatory symbols of `Shi` and`Shi Ke.


2. decisive是什么意思

2. In validity theory, application-specific validity constraints are axiomatized as validity fluents, the heuristic alternative responses are axiomatized as decisive complex actions, and they are composed into validity-ensured autonomous service units, which can be comprised into, and executed autonomously by, situation calculus implementation systems.


3. decisive什么意思

3. I have directed our military commanders to make every preparation to use decisive force, if necessary, to maintain order and to protect our troops.


4. The development of people's ability and wisdom is the decisive factor of the depth and width of developing and utilizing of material resources.


5. decisive在线翻译

5. Gymnocranius griseus was the decisive fishing target by trammel net in the adjacent water area of Nansha Islands and reefs. From the view point of food web, it should be strengthened for fishing the enemy fish and competitor of G. griseus, in order to remove the enemies of low class carnivorous commercial fish, thus the biomass of G. griseus may increase.


6. Nature has been generous with Torino: the lovely Chieri and Monferrato hills to the south; to the north, the breathtaking skyline of the Alps, and a decisive factor for choosing Torino as host for the 20th Winter Olympics.

大自然对于都灵是如此的慷慨:位于南侧的可爱的 Chieri 和 Monferrato 山,在北边有令人惊叹的阿尔卑斯山矗立在天地之间,这个是都灵被选为2006年冬奥会举办地的决定性的因素。

7. Nature has been generous with Torin the lovely Chieri and Monferrato hills to the south; to the north, the breathtaking skyline of the Alps, and a decisive factor for choosing Torino as host for the 20th Winter Olympics.

大自然对于都灵是如此的慷慨:位于南侧的可爱的 Chieri 和 Monferrato 山,在北边有令人惊叹的阿尔卑斯山矗立在天地之间,这个是都灵被选为2006年冬奥会举办地的决定性的因素。

8. From early time of China establishment to the late of 1970s, the various policies and articles gave a decisive effects on nomocracy administration, but the legislation was quite limited. Though a series of rules or laws were enacted on wildlife resources in WNR, it is still no perfection.


9. decisive是什么意思

9. The decisive victory put a period to the war.



10. In symmetrical positions, a single tempo can play a decisive role.



11. In traditional society people trusted that moral played a key role in state's organism, so moral education also played a great, even decisive role in social cultivation and social stability.



12. The dissertation focuses on the method system of sequence and scheduling by absorbing and developing the up-to-the-minute research results, which has the decisive value in increasing the efficiency and benefit of manufacturing enterprises.


13. Mature and decisive, proactive in building teamworks.


14. The author holds that the main factors to cause the serious shortage of water in the Loess plateau are rainfall, landform, strata structure and groundwater circulation, and the strata lithology and neotectonic movement are the decisive factors affecting the groundwater environment.

摘 要:文章分析了黄土高原地下水形成的地质环境,认为降水量、地形地貌、岩性构造和地下水循环是造成黄土高原严重缺水的主要因素,地层岩性和新构造运动是影响地下水富集的决定性因素。

15. decisive

15. The structure and chemical identity of the species present on the surface of these materials have a decisive influence on their specific activity and time-dependent behavior.


16. decisive

16. I had a lot of problems this year, but I always played in the decisive games.



17. George Gamow was a brilliant young Russian who came to Germany in 1928 and at the age of twenty-four started a revolution in nuclear physics. He was the first to understand how the quantum theory, which had been invented only three years earlier, could be applied to the nucleus. He used quantum theory to calculate how fast radioactive nuclei such as radium or uranium should decay, and found that the theory agreed pretty well with the observed rates of disintegration. He then made another decisive step, using quantum theory to calculate how easily a charged particle could come into a nucleus from outside. He understood that the same quantum rules apply in both directions. Easy out, easy in. If particles can escape from radioactive nuclei by quantum rules, then they can also penetrate into nuclei by quantum rules when fired at them from outside.


18. And the knowledge I have leant in the university, relative experience, and interests will provide decisive effects on my final choice.


19. Technical progress plays a decisive part in rapid development of mass media.


20. Speaking to reporters alongside, President Uribe, President Bush said Fulk FARC is now far weaker because of what he called the Columbias leaders the signs of Colombian leader's decisive action.


decisive 词典解释

1. 决定性的;关键的;明确的

If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.

e.g. ...his decisive victory in the presidential elections...


e.g. The election campaign has now entered its final, decisive phase...



The plan was decisively rejected by Congress three weeks ago.


2. 果断的;决断的

If someone is decisive, they have or show an ability to make quick decisions in a difficult or complicated situation.

e.g. He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.



'I'll call for you at half ten,' she said decisively.

“我 10 点半去接你,”她果断地说道。decisiveness

His supporters admire his decisiveness.

他的支持者欣赏他的果决。decisive 单语例句decisive的翻译

1. There are still many other concerns that have prevented policymakers from taking decisive action to shake up the current oil pricing mechanism.

2. The CAAC also called for airport public security departments to take decisive measures against passengers'violent illegal actions that disrupt normal airport operations.

3. But that conviction did not sway Democrats, who insisted Kerry was still in contention for Ohio's decisive cache of 20 electoral votes.

4. The decision pointed out that modern science and technology are the most active and decisive factor of the productive forces in the new society.

5. A crush of polls in key states like Ohio and Florida offered contradictory results, and none showed a decisive swing for either candidate.

6. The Galileo case is often seen starkly as science's first decisive blow against not only faith but also the power of the Roman Catholic Church.

7. In the north, wheat is the decisive factor of the year's cereal yield.

8. World powers have since huddled together to chalk out a decisive response to DPRK's moves.

9. You've been seeking a possible career change and daydreaming of taking decisive action, but today won't be the best day to embark down that path.

10. There are hopes that they could take a decisive step forward in talks for a UN climate change pact due to be signed in December.

decisive 英英释义


1. forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis

e.g. a critical point in the campaign

the critical test

Synonym: critical

2. determining or having the power to determine an outcome

e.g. cast the decisive vote

two factors had a decisive influence

3. characterized by decision and firmness

e.g. an able and decisive young woman

we needed decisive leadership

she gave him a decisive answer

4. unmistakable

e.g. had a decisive lead in the polls