

inconvenience:[英 [ˌɪnkənˈvi:niəns] 美 [ˌɪnkənˈvinjəns] ]


过去式:inconvenienced;   过去分词:inconvenienced;   现在分词:inconveniencing;   复数形式:inconveniences;

inconvenience 基本解释


名词麻烦; 不方便; 为难之处; 麻烦事

及物动词给…带来不便; 给…添麻烦; 打扰; 使为难

inconvenience 反义词



inconvenience 相关例句


1. inconvenience的解释

1. I hope it won't inconvenience you too much.


2. inconvenience

2. I hope it won't inconvenience you to drive me to the station.



1. Not having a computer is an inconvenience.


2. It often causes a lot of inconvenience when buses come late.


3. The delay caused great inconvenience.


inconvenience 网络解释

1. 不方便:固然携带式香水喷雾器运用方便,但香味非常容易走失,而整瓶的大号香水又太重,不方便(Inconvenience)随身携带,所以爱美的女性不如(Maywishto)研究运用全新的GucciSunlightAni-mation组合.

2. 不便:责任保险有助于消除被保险人承担的经济上的损失危险而具有利用价值,但其还有一个主要的益处,即责任保险可以使被保险人免受因必须抗辩受害人提出的各种形式的索赔而不得不承受的紧张(strain)、不便(inconvenience)和劳顿(harassment).

3. inconvenience的解释

3. 麻烦:如教师对困境(trouble)遭遇(suffering)麻烦( inconvenience )忍受的能力,体现了他对学生的爱,反之则是抱怨和发牢骚. 而教师在师生交流问题时产生的矛盾、管理时遇到的棘手问题,所表现的冷静则会使师生互相产生依赖,学生会产生认师为母之感,

4. 不顾及他人:inconsiderateness 无知 hospitality9 | inconvenience 不顾及他人 moved | make an apology render 给予

inconvenience 双语例句

1. Here is your Garlic Chicken without the chillies. I apologise for any inconvenience.


2. Therefore it is good for princes, if they use ambitious men, to handle it, so as they be still progressive and not retrograde; which, because it cannot be without inconvenience, it is good not to use such natures at all.


3. She didn`t want to cause you any inconvenience.


4. I understand the inconvenience it will cause to you.


5. I'd rather not put you to any inconvenience.


6. If you inconvenience, I apologize for how to translate into English...


7. I certainly didn't intend to cause you so much inconvenience.


8. Although it is indispensable to human beings, it also brings a lot of inconvenience to us.



9. What are the result of two kinds of operations and brought inconvenience?


10. The molecules of aminosulfonic acid —based superplasticizer ASP polycondensate easily, causing its viscosity to increase during storage, which leads to inconvenience in use due to decreasing dispersability.


11. In order to solve the inconvenience of in-situ welding of hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell and eliminate the undetermined factors in safety evaluation, the present invention proposes one connection structure for hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell, and the structure includes hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell, movable loose flange, double-headed screw bolt and nut for fixing the hot gas conduit pipe pressure shell onto the reactor pressure shell and the steam generator pressure shell.


12. inconvenience的解释

12. For a big-and-medium-sized enterprise, if many softwares are deployed manually by IT adiministrator to dozens or hundreds of computers, there will exist probably such problems as very time-consuming, strenuosity, inconsistency of software function and inconvenience for unified management of software resources. Therefore, it is necessary to research and develop a software system that manages software resources in an enterprise in a unified way and automates software installtion and uninstallation, sofwate distribution and update.


13. So we have to roll the wire around the personal stereo or just let it be. The result of either is that the wire will be snarly and at last knotted. Such earphone is inconvenience and flimsy.


14. When breakdowns occur, they must make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible in order to minimize inconvenience.


15. If the judges are inconvenience or unwilling to, or even dare not to summon the police to testify in court, then any external observers with some general awareness of the rule of law will say: this is a police society and not a society ruled by law.


16. Synonyms: trouble, put out, inconvenience, disoblige, discommode, bother


17. When was certified to use the company's filters can not detect due to the quality standards of customer inconvenience caused by the filter in accordance with the the correct installation of the Company's procedures and equipment manufacturers recommended time-frame and replacement of the filter and no one for or accidental damage, the company promised to verify the reason for non-reimbursable loan premium.


18. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection.


19. But I have no idea why the convening of political meetings will bring inconvenience to our lives?


20. Two sets of kitchen ranges for subsidiary food and two steam tanks are dismountable for maintenance and replacement to avoid the inconvenience in maintenance and improve the maintainability of the whole system.


inconvenience 词典解释

1. 不便;麻烦;困难

If someone or something causes inconvenience, they cause problems or difficulties.


e.g. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repairs...


e.g. The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible.


2. 给…带来不便;麻烦;打扰

If someone inconveniences you, they cause problems or difficulties for you.


e.g. He promised to be quick so as not to inconvenience them any further.


inconvenience 单语例句

1. But some customers balked at the inconvenience of a tourist or business entry permit.

2. The inconvenience for consumers and the disruption to other businesses that unstable oil supply causes may not be easy to calculate.

3. But we Chinese must cast off our bad habits that cause inconvenience to other people or infringe upon their privacy.

4. The parking lot for bicycles near China World Trade Center was closed recently, causing inconvenience to many people.

5. The substitution of paper money for precious metals historically made commercial transactions more efficient, but nowadays paper itself is a costly inconvenience in the payment system.

6. The company insisted that the incidents were mainly due to poor weather, ostensibly a legitimate excuse to exempt itself from compensating passengers for the inconvenience they suffered.

7. A major constraint on the industry is airspace inconvenience and a lack of air and ground services.

8. The main reasons cited were inconvenience and fear of adverse effects, the report indicates.

9. The inconvenience residents living in affordable housing are suffering is in stark contrast to the luxury housing for celebrities provided by some local governments.

10. Writer Liu Xinwu famously detailed the discomforts of freezing winters in a siheyuan, and the inconvenience of traipsing through all weathers to go to the toilet.

inconvenience 英英释义



1. a difficulty that causes anxiety

Synonym: troublesomenessworriment

2. the quality of not being useful or convenient

3. an inconvenient discomfort

Synonym: incommodiousness



1. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to

e.g. Sorry to trouble you, but...

Synonym: troubleput outdisobligediscommodeincommodebother