

aggravate:[英 [ˈægrəveɪt] 美 [ˈæɡrəˌvet] ]


过去式:aggravated;   过去分词:aggravated;   现在分词:aggravating;

aggravate 基本解释


及物动词激怒; 加重,使恶化; 使恼火

aggravate 相关例句


1. His bossy attitude aggravates me.


2. Grief aggravated her illness.


3. aggravate

3. His bad temper was aggravated by his headache.


4. aggravate的近义词

4. Don't aggravate me, child.


5. If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him.


aggravate 网络解释

1. 加重,惹怒:aggrandize 增强势力 | aggravate 加重,惹怒 | aggregate 总计,合计

2. 使恶化:45. give a great push to the economic growth极大地推动了经济发展 | 46. see dramatic breakthroughs取得突破性进展 | 47. aggravate使恶化

3. aggravate是什么意思

3. 恶化:rally#召集;恢复 | aggravate#恶化 | amass#积聚


4. 加重:aggrandize 增大 | aggravate 加重 | aggrieve 使悲痛

aggravate 双语例句

1. Although to economy development and social progress are having main effect, carry, but it also can give environment and human body health to bring negative effect, and this kind of trend is met as the development that economy and content sort farther aggravate.


2. Muslim dress can indeed appear as a mark of separation, but racial and sectarian discrimination surely counts far more—and bans on religious clothing are likely to aggravate it.



3. His bossy attitude aggravate me.


4. aggravate

4. However, the increased mobility and the SiN deposition process would aggravate the hot carrier reliability, resulting in the severest hot carrier degradation for the samples with the thickest SiN capping.


5. During the early stage of the course, the count of CD4, CD8, and CD3 of the SARS patients may reduce obviously which means that the immunity was suppressed. And large dosage of glucocorticoid may aggravate the suppression, make the body in an active metabolic state (such as the increase of blood glucose, the decrease of sera albumine). It may aggravate the illness much more, and patients were liable to suffer from severe secondary infection. So the indication of how to use the glucocorticoid is very important, we must control it strictly and do not use it in large dosage.


6. If the action of the human on nature is out of control, it will aggravate contradition between the human and nature and destroy the existed environments of human race.


7. Exorbitance, can aggravate blade yellowing paper; too low, you can not reach the required appropriate whiteness.


8. So they are up against enormous survival pressure as internal circumstances aggravate day after day.


9. However, along with rhythm of life quickening nowadays, people are non-stop around the busy for work and life, dragging home with physical and mental fatigue in the moment of cockshut. Given these factors, cooking will certainly aggravate their annoyance. Thus, design for them a simple, fast and convenient electric cooker cooking at a fixed time is of vital importance.


10. aggravate的反义词

10. And remember: Tight shoes can aggravate already existing abnormalities, like bunions and hammertoes.


11. In addition, the aggravate of the growth that books of Chinese market network sells and competition, also let us see 21 centuries books interlinks current business condition to cannot get used to these change.


12. At the sametime the deteriorated economic environment will retroact to aggravate thecrisis of the corporations. If the omen of the financial crisis can be caughtin advance and corresponding measures against the crisis can be taken, thecapability of the corporation to resist the crisis can thus be greatlyimproved.


13. These twin engines of global economic growth appear to be on a course that will only aggravate their tenuous relationship.


14. Effect of earthquake wave in natural gas pipeline The fault structure, topographic condition and particularity condition of geologic structure of Urumuqi river valley the first class terrace aggravate seismic damage.



15. Because competitive aggravate causes a trade necessarily of average profit margin reduce, to assure yield, contractible business dimensions, cutting down the member of persons employed is commonly used method in order to reduce cost.


16. But if the majority of stocks investors all eagerly large quantities of undersell the hand in stock, can aggravate the panic gravity and the hazardous nature.


17. aggravate

17. It is serious that water resources are short to china and the regional difference of water resources allocation aggravate the water lack.

摘 要:虚拟水研究是近年来国际水资源研究的新动向,它为缓解区域水资源紧张提供了一个有效的解决方法。

18. aggravate

18. Finally, will the use of ertapenem as surgical prophylaxis aggravate an already worrisome and serious trend of infection caused by carbapenem-resistant organisms.



19. It was considered an effective and ideal model of PM.2 uPA, PAI-1 and TNF-αwere all involved in the pathogenesis of PM and participated in the process of the degeneration, apoptosis and necrosis of the diseased muscle.3 MMP-9 and TIMP-2 immunoreactivity were positive in the capillary, venous wall, arteriola endotheliocyte and neurilemma in the normal group skeletal muscle, but more intensive in EAM. They may aggravate the pathological changes of the muscle in human PM.

结论1兔纯化的肌球蛋白加含卡介苗的完全弗氏佐剂可仿制出人类多发性肌炎的理想动物模型。2 UPA、PAI-1和TNF-α参与多发性肌炎的肌纤维坏变过程。3 MMP-9和TIMP-2在正常肌肉组织中的毛细血管、静脉管壁、动脉肉皮细胞和神经鞘膜表达,在多发性肌炎中,参与加重肌纤维的坏变过程。

20. aggravate的翻译

20. On the injection pump camshaft axial space requirements very strict, normally between 0.03~0.15mm, if the gap is too large, will aggravate the wheel drive components on the surface of the impact of job cam, cam surface thereby increasing the early wear, change the perspective of supply in advance; cam shaft bearings, track gap is too large, do not easily give rise to a smooth functioning camshaft, fuel rod adjustment jitter, periodic changes in fuel supply quantity happen to make diesel engine operation is not smooth, so regular checks adjust.


aggravate 词典解释

1. 加重;使恶化;加剧

If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.

e.g. Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation...


e.g. He would only aggravate the injury by rubbing it.


2. 激怒;使恼火

If someone or something aggravates you, they make you annoyed.

e.g. What aggravates you most about this country?



You don't realise how aggravating you can be.


I just couldn't take the aggravation.

我就是咽不下这口气。aggravate 单语例句aggravate的意思

1. Climate change will also speed up shrinking of inland lakes and aggravate water shortage.

2. " This resolution will only aggravate the political conflict and division in the Middle East region ", he said.

3. They will threaten food security and food sovereignty, and aggravate the food crisis in the developing world.

4. The delivery did not aggravate the mother's condition, doctors said.

5. Dong said he also found another five families who had seen their newborn babies die or their conditions aggravate during treatment at the care center.

6. If the prices were to rise higher because of the yuan's revaluation they might spread public discontentment further and aggravate the social contradictions.

7. But the regional countries should realize that any unrestrained or provocative act can only aggravate the already tense situation in the sensitive sea.

8. That makes it the bounden duty of all humans to stop wasting water and cut greenhouse gas emission that aggravate the already serious climate condition.

9. While it is still early days and there have not been too many concerns, the problem is likely to aggravate as the tournament enters the knockout stages.

10. The trade union council agreed that reopening employment to students from outside the SAR will aggravate job shortages for local people.

aggravate是什么意思aggravate 英英释义


1. make worse

e.g. This drug aggravates the pain

Synonym: worsenexacerbateexasperate

2. exasperate or irritate

Synonym: exacerbateexasperate