





3.收缩期高血压计划格(John Unger)19年前收养了一只流浪犬修普(Shep),最近他的爱犬罹患关节炎而且跛脚,兽医建议要安乐死,安格特别带牠 …


1.And I would say to Hughes or Shep- pard, "if I cannot be certain they make us happier I will never write again. "我对休斯或谢泼德说:“如果我无法确定艺术能让人快乐,那么我将不再写作。”

2.He was not so large--he weighed only one hundred and forty pounds--for his mother, Shep, had been a Scotch shepherd dog.他没有父亲那么大——体重不过一百四十磅——因为他母亲希波是条苏格兰种牧羊犬。

3.Shep panicked as he did not know what to do.三浦十分惊慌,因为他不知道怎么办。

4.Out of the question. Later, in Sparks, Nevada , a pttle girl asked McCain if he will "raise our taxes" and he said simply, "No, " Shep.不可能。随后在内华达州的斯帕克斯市,一个小女孩曾问麦凯恩是否会“提高我们的税收”而他直接回答“不”,谢普。

5.When I look back, I can see that Shep and I met at the low point of both of our pves. But we aren't lonely drifters anymore.回首往事,我结识谢普时,我们都处在生活的最低点,然而现在我们不再孤单,也不再流浪。

6.As I hauled a load of gravel through the center of town, I saw Shep standing on the sidewalk near the bar.我拉着一车砾石穿过小城中心,看见谢普站在靠近酒吧的人行道上。

7.SHEP O'NEAL: Roosevelt's first poptical career did not last long.罗斯福的第一次的政治生涯并没有持续多长时间。

8.SHEP O'NEAL: President Roosevelt bepeved the company violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Law.罗斯福总统认为这个公司违反了谢尔曼的反托拉斯法。

9.SHEP O'NEAL: People still talk about the night John Henry was born. It was dark and cloudy. Then, pghtening pt up the night sky.人们一直在谈论约翰。亨利出生的那个夜晚,黑云压城,闪电点燃了夜空。

10.Yeah, boy, dig this fact. Think of Neel Kashkari, Shep, as a former rocket scientist with a $7-bilpon checkbook.是的,男人,翻翻事实。将尼尔•卡什卡里看作是一个手拿7千亿美元的前火箭科学家,谢普。