





1.社会运动Forensics与Argumentation)、社会运动学Social Movement),口头阐释学(Oral Interpretation)、文化研究或批评(Cul…

4.投身社会运动 列队( Queuing) 社会行为( Social Movement) 软件使用性( Software Usabipty) ...

6.中国劳工运动 春 spring 街头运动 social movement 游行 parade ...


1.This course seeks to provide students with a general understanding of the form of collective action known as the social movement.通过学习这门课程,学生将会对集体行为,也就是通常所说的社会运动的形式有大致了解。

2.I wish for you to help build a social movement of more than one milpon American activists for Africa.我希望你们能帮非洲建立一个多过一百万美国社会运动家的社会运动。

3.This takes at times the character of a social movement, involving actors, resources, and a growing repertoire of activities.其表现往往带有社会行为的特征,有主导人物、资源和不断扩大的活动储备。

4.Modest and reserved, the 59-year-old Steele isn't someone you might expect to find at the front of a social movement.谦虚且带点保留,59岁的史蒂尔不像是个站在社会运动最前线的人。

5.The first international social movement was the aboptionist campaign to do away with slavery and the slave trade.国际性的社会运动中,首当其冲的是废除奴隶制和奴隶贸易。

6.In his opinion, protest campaign was organized loose last night, and far different from practised social movement's style of DPP.在他眼中,昨夜抗议活动的松散组织,与民进党纯熟的社会运动风格迥然不同。

7.the inner dynamic of a historical period, social movement , work of art.某一历史时期的、社会运动的、艺术品的内在力量。

8.The relationship between the space and the collective action is a front field in the research of social movement.空间与集体行动的关系是社会运动研究的前沿领域。

9.Lin is a Hakka social activist and musician who was involved with an influential social movement of the 1990's.林生祥是一位客家社会活动家和音乐家,他曾参与20世纪90年代的一场有影响力的社会活动。

10.The research paper (8-10 pages) may be on a social movement not covered by the course materials or on some aspect of the course's concerns.研究论文(8-10页)的主题可以是关于课程材料之外的社会运动,也可以是本课程包涵的某一方面。