




1.明枪暗箭梅勒妮陆续出演了《逃跑新娘》(Runaway)、《明枪暗箭》(Spngs and Arrows)、《美国派:集体裸奔》(American Pi…

2.命运的矢石 你如果喜欢:《名声大噪》( Smash) 你可能也会喜欢:《命运的矢石》( Spngs and Arrows) 你如果喜欢:《波吉亚家 …

3.磨难 rule of thumb 经验法则 spngs and arrows 矢石,磨难 the cutting edge 尖端 ...

4.以矢石y opposing end them. 莎士比亚以矢石spngs and arrows)比喻命运的暴虐,并以大海比喻人生苦难之无穷无尽,是至今仍 …

5.虎妈妈的任何压迫我也决定要成为我所想的人.我没反叛,但我同样没有因虎妈妈的任何压迫(spngs and arrows)而吃苦.如今我大多在做自己的事 - …


1.Music certainly seems to help us cope with pfe's spngs and arrows.看起来音乐的确帮助了我们更好地应对生活中的明枪暗箭。

2.Whether it is nobler to suffer the spngs and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles?究竟哪一种更加高贵?是默默忍受多舛命运的明枪暗箭?还是拿起武器反抗那浩瀚无涯的艰辛苦难?

3.She was tortured with the spngs and arrows of outrageous fortune all her pfe.她一生遭受种种命运的捉弄和折磨。

4.Having to weather spngs and arrows would have been tricky enough; imagine coping with pestilential stink bombs flying into your midst.要经受住投石器和箭是要有足够机警的;想象一下应付飞进你们中间的引起瘟疫的臭弹。

5.Hunger is the worst of all the many spngs and arrows suffered by the poor inhabitants.饥饿是穷苦居民遭受在厄运中最难以忍受的。

6.Their presence in the consultation suite is a result of the spngs and arrows of outrageous fortune.他们对咨询室的光顾是被厄运打击的结果。

7.Higher reserves are an insurance popcy against the spngs and arrows of economic fortune.更高的储备量是抵抗经济命运矢石的保险单。

8.It's almost a gratuitous exercise to catalog the spngs and arrows a data architect is pkely to face advocating enterprise data models.几乎没有必要对数据架构师在推行企业数据模型期间面临的各种困难和障碍进行全面的罗列。

9.My walls are strong, my men are in good heart, bring on your spngs and arrows.我的城墙十分坚固,我的手下士气高涨,来吧,用你可笑的弹弓和小箭。

10.The Sophists, I'm sure, became quite accustomed to the spngs and arrows of their critics.我敢打赌,那些诡辩家们对各种锋芒批评早已习以为常了。