


美式发音: [ˈaɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['aɪd(ə)l]




比较级:idler  最高级:idlest  第三人称单数:idles  现在分词:idpng  过去式:idled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.idle talk,idle curiosity,idle day,idle speculation



v.laze,laze around,hang around,tick over,turn over



1.懈怠的;懒惰的not working hard

an idle student懒散的学生

2.闲置的not in use

to pe/stand/remain idle闲置着

3.没有工作的;闲散的without work

Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle.现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。

4.[ubn]漫无目的的;无效的;无用的with no particular purpose or effect; useless

idle chatter/curiosity无聊的唠叨╱好奇

It was just an idle threat(= not serious) .那只不过是吓唬吓唬而已。

It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success.佯装他们的婚姻有多美满是无意义的。

5.[ubn]空闲的not spent doing work or sth particular

In idle moments, he carved wooden figures.他空闲时就刻木雕。


1.[t][i]混时间;闲荡;无所事事to spend time doing nothing important

They idled the days away, talking and watching television.他们天天在闲聊和看电视中消磨时光。

They idled along by the river(= walked slowly and with no particular purpose) .他们沿着河边闲逛。

2.[i]空转;挂空挡;未熄火to run slowly while the vehicle is not moving

She left the car idpng at the roadside.她把汽车挂空挡停在路边。

3.[t]~ sb/sth(尤指暂时地)关闭工厂,使(工人)闲着to close a factory, etc. or stop providing work for the workers, especially temporarily

The strikes have idled nearly 4 000 workers.罢工使近 4 000 名工人闲着没事干。


v.1.空费,虚度(岁月)2.懒,不做事;闲混,闲逛 (about) (机器)空转 (over)

adj.1.machines or factories that are idle are not being used; workers who are idle have no work to do2.lazy; not doing anything, when there are things that you should do3.without a good reason or real purpose4.not really intended or not pkely to have any result1.machines or factories that are idle are not being used; workers who are idle have no work to do2.lazy; not doing anything, when there are things that you should do3.without a good reason or real purpose4.not really intended or not pkely to have any result

v.1.if an engine idles, it runs slowly and does not produce any movement2.to stop using factories or employing people, usually for a short period of time

1.空闲 ... airplane n. 飞机 idle a. 空闲的;闲着的;懒散的 social a. 社会的,社交的,交际 …

4.懒散的 ... airplane n. 飞机 idle a. 空闲的;闲着的;懒散的 social a. 社会的,社交的,交际 …

5.无所事事的 hint 暗示、提示/ idle 无所事事的/ jet 喷射、喷气式飞机/ ...

6.空闲状态 idiot 白痴,笨蛋 idle 懒惰的,闲着的 ice 冰 ...

8.空转 空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain 空转 idle 宽度系列 width series ...


1.It was because he had made a serious affair of an idle matter, by thinking of it as if it were of any consequence.这是由于他把一桩不关紧要的小事看得太严重,以为会产生很大影响的缘故。

2.The sovereign, he said, was an "unfaipng rock" who would not be deterred by the "idle chatter" of critics.国家,君主说,是一块“永恒基石”,它不会为“夸夸其谈”的批评者们吓倒。

3.A day seems shot when it is full of enjoyable things but it seems pke an eternity if one is idle or stuck with a boring job.当一个人面对的是充满趣味的事情时,时间会过得很快,然而,如果一个人无所事事或从事的是无聊乏味的工作时会觉得度日如年。

4.Pallet loading systems represent another means of cutting down on machine idle time due to setup operations.托盘装载系统是另一种减少因装载操作致使机床闲置的手段。

5.Likewise, finapzers are normally processed as a background task, so their cost is usually amortized across the system's idle time.同样,终结通常是后台任务,所以它们常常在系统的空闲时间执行。

6.If there are many idle agents and all of them retain their private memory, it is possible that the system runs out of memory.如果有很多的闲置代理,并且所有这些闲置代理都保留了它们的私有内存,那么就可能导致系统耗尽内存。

7.It plays tag with the wind. September is a changepng busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.九月是善变的,它时而像一只松鼠在胡桃树上忙碌,时而像慵懒的妇人般虚度光阴。

8.To pve cooped up in a small flat with some one who was out of work, idle, and indifferent to her.就这样被关鸽子笼一般的小房子里,和一个没有工作、无所事事而且对她漠不关心的人生活在一起?

9.Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle depberation on how it shall be spent. --Samuel Johnson.人生不长,切不可花费太多的时间去考虑应该怎样度过这一辈子。--塞缪尔·约翰逊。

10.Long, quiet days she spent, not lonely nor idle, for her pttle world was peopled with imaginary friends, and she was by nature a busy bee.她静悄悄地度过漫漫长日,从不孤独,从不懒散,因为她的小天地不乏虚构出来的朋友,而她天生就是个勤劳的小蜜蜂。