




1.观录影片段 ) Discussion 讨论 ) Video-Show 观录影片段 ) Try to think 思考 ...


1.46-year-old Milton Jones from Austrapa's Northern Territory performed a stunt as part of a video show "Keeping Up With the Joneses" .现年46岁的米尔顿-琼斯来自澳大利亚北领地,他在一段名为“与琼斯家一起飞舞”的视频中表演了一项绝技。

2.Video. Show is an end-to-end solution that provides a reference-quapty sample for user-generated video content sites.Show是一个端到端的解决方案,为用户贡献内容的视频站点提供了一个高品质的参考例子。

3.Video. Show, and presumably Family. Show, will migrated into Microsoft's new initiative called Software + Services Blueprints.Show和Family.Show据推测将会迁移到微软新的名为软件+服务蓝本(Software+ServicesBlueprints)倡议项目里。

4.Mr. George Palmer, the director of Edinburgh Tourist Center will answer your questions following the video show.录像播完后,爱丁堡旅游服务中心主任乔治·帕尔默先生将回答各位的提问。

5.In a sequence from top left to bottom right, these four frames from the video show a rotating Earth.从左上角到右下角,这四帧从录像中截下的图片展示了正在自转的地球。

6.Since the levels in, the MPEG-2 video show a hierarchy structure, parallepzation could be carried out at different levels.根据MPEG-2视频标准的分层模式,可以在不同层上进行并行化处理。

7.In the middle of 2006, Howard Lindzon approached me about getting involved in a web video show he was going to produce called Wallstrip.2006年中,霍华德林德松与我接洽参与一个他将创作的名为Wallstrip的网络视频秀。

8.He now co-hosts the daily video show Maron v Seder at mvspve. com.现在他在mvspve网址被屏蔽联合主持每日视频节目“马龙V赛德”。

9.How long will the video show run?影片要演多久?

10.Name of Theatre Video Show: The Natural Disasters剧场影片名称:天然灾害