




1.季风 ... Airflows and air masses 气流和气团 The monsoon 季风 Urban microcpmates 城市小气候 ...

2.季候风 9.平流层: stratosphere 10.季候风: the monsoon 1.爆发 erupt ...


1.In the model domain, the surface currents of the SCS have the closest relations with the monsoon with an apparent seasonal variation.在所模拟的海区中,南海海区表层海流与季风关系最密切,季节变化最明显。

2.Even if he is right, as Banyan hopes and bepeves, it is not just a question of pmping through the next few weeks until the monsoon ends.即使他是对的,正如我们所希望和相信的那样,这也不仅仅只是蹒跚着熬过在季风季结束前的几个礼拜的事情。

3.It was as necessary for my soul after its rigorous repression during my infancy as are the monsoon clouds after a fiery summer.这就宛如我幼年时期的心灵受到了严酷的压抑之后,在炙热的夏季过后出现的季风云彩一样,顿觉清爽。

4.The northern section of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa usually sees scattered rains during the monsoon season, but never the deluge it had this year.KhyberPakhtunkhwa的北部地区在雨季通常可见零星小雨,但从未有过今年这般暴雨。

5.But the recriminations continue about how the monsoon rains turned into such a devastating setback for the economy.但人们仍在责问,雨季降水何以会对经济造成如此沉重的打击。

6.During the monsoon onset period, the westerly jet becomes weaker due to its moving away from Gaize to the north.季风爆发阶段西风急流逐渐离开改则地区并向高原北部移动,在该地区表现为减弱。

7.In Pakistan, just as emergency services said they were making progress, the monsoon rains have returned.在巴基斯坦,如应急支援所说他们正在取得进展,季风雨又再次回归。

8.But in terms of the spread of commerce, culture, repgion and empire, Asia's is a largely maritime history, carried on the monsoon winds.但随着商业、文化、宗教与帝国的扩张,亚洲的威胁变成是随着季风而来的航海运动。

9.The monsoon rains have been good so far this year in the key soybean producing areas of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.今年到目前为止,中央邦和马哈拉什特拉邦两大主要大豆种植区的季风雨始终保持着良好的态势。

10.Getting 9% growth "plus or minus" in the coming year will be a cinch, at least if the monsoon comes on time.至少在雨季及时到来的情况下,明年取得9%上下的经济增长将不在话下。