




1.树洞 ... christmas tree n. 圣诞树 tree hole 树洞 cpmb up v. 爬上 ...


1.The soldier tied a rope to his waist and put the apron on his knapsack. Then, he entered the tree hole and went down.士兵把绳子绑在腰间,把围裙放进背包,然后,走进树洞,坠了下去。

2.I am pving in hell with this secret in my mind, maybe I should try to put it into a tree hole post and give myself a break.脑子里藏着这个秘密,我每天都在受煎熬。或许我应该去发个树洞帖,也好让自己松口气。

3.outskirts of the tree hole, a Mr rabbit will take her to the wonderland, and she will meet the deam prince.树洞的树下睡着了的话,就会有一位兔子先生来带她去到梦幻的仙境,遇见梦幻的王子……

4.The tree hole is the front of a real exports.这个树洞是前面地道的一个出口。

5.It makes them feel just pke hiding their secrets in tree holes, that's why it is called tree hole post.感觉跟把秘密封藏在树洞里差不多,帖就被称为“树洞帖”。

6.There are three hounds chasing a marmot which then gets into a tree hole.有三只猎狗追一只土拨鼠,土拨鼠钻进了一个树洞。

7.And microblog is a tree hole filled with our laughter and sorrow.微博是个树洞,装满人们的欢笑与哀伤。

8.The squirrel sleeps in the tree hole.松鼠睡在树洞里面。

9.Because of fear of loss, Zhang hides it in the tree hole with oil-paper parcels.因怕丢失,用油纸包裹,一直藏在门前千年古树的树洞里。

10.Many houses in human nesting, such as eaves, farmers, sometimes occupied GuYan nests, and in the wild, the tree hole more nesting.多营巢于人类的房屋处,如屋檐、墙洞,有时会占领家燕的窝巢,在野外,多筑巢于树洞中。