




1.类囊体膜绿藻虽然还没有演化出叶绿体的全部构造,但已经演化成类囊膜(thylakoid membrane),类囊膜上也已经演化形成两种光合系 …

3.类囊体膜内外DPH, 并同时将水分解为氧气和氢离子,此氢离子在类囊体膜内外Thylakoid Membrane)所产生的电位差能量,则用来合成…

4.叶绿体囊状膜(electron acceptor) (D)藉由叶绿体囊状膜thylakoid membrane)内外电子梯度(electron gradient) 的差异而作用 2. …

5.囊状膜①细胞质 ②细胞膜 ③基质(stroma) ④囊状膜thylakoid membrane) 3. 藉著由能量推动之运送蛋白将钾离子横越细胞膜 …


1.However, land-plant chloroplasts have a strikingly different thylakoid membrane organization to that of cyanobacteria.然而,土地植物叶绿体有一个显着的不同类囊体膜组织的蓝藻。

2.NOL was locapzed on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane despite the lack of a transmembrane domain.NOL虽然没有跨膜结构域但也定位在靠近基质一端的类囊体膜上。

3.Most of the enzymes and pigments for the pght dependent reactions are embedded in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.光反应需要的大部分酶和色素包埋在叶绿体的类囊体膜上。

4.The number of basal granule in mother was less and the stack of thylakoid membrane wse high and stenosis. Fewer starch grains existed.母本基粒数目少但类囊体膜垛叠成的基粒高而窄,鲜见淀粉粒。

5.Low temperature can affect photosynthesis by affecting the construction of thylakoid membrane.低温能通过影响类囊体膜的结构而影响植物的光合作用。

6.The polypeptide compositions of thylakoid membrane were different not in some composition but in some content.两优培九的类囊体膜并不是某些多肽组分存在差异,而是含量差异。

7.Diuron (DCMU) blocks the electron transporting from Q(subscript A) to Q(subscript B) in the thylakoid membrane.敌草隆(DCMU)阻断植物光合器官类囊体膜上的电子从Q(下标A)到Q(下标B)的传递。

8.There were not obvious differences on the polypeptide compositions of thylakoid membrane.但类囊体膜的多肽组分并不存在明显的差异。

9.UV-B induces production of reactive oxygen species(ROS)and then damages thylakoid membrane.UV-B辐射诱导的活性氧的产生进一步破坏类囊体膜;

10.What is embedded in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast and protruding as knobs from the outer surface?下列何者镶嵌在叶绿体的囊状膜上,且从外表看起来向外突出?