




1.止战之殇 9. 园游会 / Carnival 10. 止战之殇 / Wounds of War 1. 以父之名 / In the Name of the Father ...


1.But Lee went ahead and did it, wanting to set an example that others would follow to help heal the wounds of war.但李认为树立一个让他人遵循的典型会有助于平复战争对这个国家的创伤。

2.With the wounds of war to calm down, people's pves become increasingly stable, sport has gradually become active again.随着战争创伤的平复,人民生活日趋安定,体育运动也逐渐活跃起来。

3.But while the wounds of war still run deep, there are encouraging signs of a desire to build anew.但当战争的创伤还在加深时,有了想要重建迹象,令人鼓舞。

4.The wounds of war will scar them for ever, and you will have an even more bitter and hateful diaspora to contend with.战争的伤痕将会永远伴随着他们,而你也将会面对更加充满仇恨的移居浪潮。

5.Can Vietnam heal from the wounds of war and be friends with USA?越南能从战争的伤痛中走出来,与美国为友吗?