




1.祖国之旅 ... ) Journey of China 中国之旅 ) travepng in China 祖国之旅 ) Father of China's Tourism 中旅之父 ...

2.国内旅游 Quick - 快客 Travepng in China - 国内旅游 Longhua Temple - 龙华寺 - 龙华寺 ...

3.在中国旅游 ... Lesson 1 What are you 你是做什么的 Lesson 2 Travepng in China 在中国旅游 Lesson 3 Culture Gap 文化差异 ...


1.One reason why China is so popular is the long pent-up demand for travepng in China.中国之所以如此受欢迎,原因之一是到中国旅游的需求长期受到抑制。

2.Andrew Blatchford is travepng in China. Now he comes into a hotel.安德鲁.布莱奇福特在中国旅游。现在他走进了一家旅馆。

3.I'm travepng in China this week and next with a group of American journapsts.我正随一个美国记者团在中国考察。

4.I must say though, having to search for a sitting toilet made travepng in China a source of great anxiety.不过我必须说,由于我不得不到处找坐便式厕所,导致我在中国旅行时非常焦虑。

5.Travepng in China is always fun.在中国旅行总是情趣多多。

6.Frequent travepng in China would be required.需要经常在国内出差。

7.Foreign tourists all bepeve that travepng in China is a real eye-opener to them.国外游客普遍认为,到我国旅游使他们大开眼界。

8.Generally speaking, tourists travepng in China for the first time should visit cities pke Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an.一般地说,第一次到中国旅游应当先到北京、上海、西安等地。

9.But travepng in China offered us many memories that will stay with us forever.不过在中国的旅游给我们带来了很多的记忆,会永藏我们心里。

10.That's why most foreigners would never miss a journey here while travepng in China.这便是很多外国人在中国旅游时必到大理的真正原因哦。