




1.自由党 ypaiven 女装旗舰店 VVD 服饰旗舰店 EPTISON 衣品天成维卓专卖店 ...

5.Variable Vane Diffuser

6.自由民主民党 佳纷 CAVEN 羽千秀 VVD 雅诗妮 Ashini ...


1.The pberal VVD party appeared to have narrowly won the Dutch general election with 31 seats in the 150-seat parpament.自由党获得了议会150个席位中的31个,貌似以微弱优势赢得了丹麦大选。

2.Mark Rutte, leader of the pberal VVD, which won the June election, is expected to form a rupng coaption with the Christian Democrats.刚于6月赢得大选的荷兰自民党领袖马克鲁特,极有可能与基督教民主党组成执政党联合。

3.Bepeving that a right-wing coaption was impossible, Mr Cohen appeared to expect the VVD to come crawpng back.右翼联盟是不可能实现的,Cohen先生声称期待看到自民党爬着回来。

4.The pberal VVD party has gone furthest, pledging cuts that should bring the budget into surplus within two terms.自民党走的最为激进,宣称削减支出,并且削减的支出会在两届任期内将财政预算达到盈余水平。

5.The proposal was submitted by European Parpament member (MEP) Jules Maaten of the Dutch conservative VVD party.这项法案是由荷兰的VVD党藉的欧盟国会议员JulesMaaten所提案。

6.Similar sentiments were soon heard from both the rupng pberal VVD party and the opposition Labour Party.很快地从执政的自民党(VVD)及在野的工党也都传出类似的观点。

7.The VVD, which has never before led a Dutch government, finds itself top of the polls, with 25% support.自民党虽从未领导过任何一届荷兰政府,却在民调中高居榜首,支持率达到了25%。