




1.老中 其实在欧美, 老外绝大多数将大中华区人民一体看成老中 (You Chinese), 我猜那位美国冒失鬼可能职场失意, 大感工作机会遭 …


1.To treat your muscle sprain, I would recommend to you Chinese traditional acupuncture and message, which may prove to be very effective.对于您的肌肉扭伤,我建议您试试中医的针灸和按摩,可能会有很好的效果。

2.Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get out of here. "可是斯皮尔伯格给了他一个嘴巴,说:“你们中国人炸了珍珠港,给我滚开这里!”

3.Different types of dance for you: Chinese Dance, Belly Dance, Latin, Indian Dance, Hot Dance, try one of your favourites.想学各式各样的舞蹈,可以从民族舞,肚皮舞,拉丁,印度舞,热舞中选择你所喜爱的!

4.Well, to be honest with you. Chinese food is really different from western food. Im not really used to it yet.嗯,跟你说实话,中餐与西餐有很大的不同。我仍然还不太习惯。

5.Instead, Spielberg gave him a slap and said, "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Habour, get outta here. "可他万万没有想到,斯皮尔伯格竟给了他一耳光,骂道:“你们中国人轰炸了我们珍珠港,快给我滚开!”

6.Sorry, I can't help it, but I think you Chinese are amazing. . . to think of using such advanced technology.不好意思,我忍不住要说,我觉得你们中国人太牛了……想到用这么先进的技术。

7.The wrong way is to walk up to a foreigner and say, " Hey, can I teach you Chinese and you teach me Engpsh? "错误的方式是,走近一老外,说“嘿,我可以教你汉语,你教我英语,行吗?”

8.well, to be honest with you, Chinese food is really different from western food.嗯,坦白说,中餐和西餐可是大相径庭。

9.I'm afraid I can't agree with you. Chinese leaders have already said China will never be a superpower.恐怕我不同意你的看法。中国的领导人总是强调中国永远不会是超级大国。

10.I consider it wrong that you Chinese students learn Engpsh without comparing it with your own language .我认为你们中国学生学习英语不和你们自己的语言比较是不对的。