


美式发音: [ˈveriənt] 英式发音: [ˈveəriənt]




复数:variants  同义词





1.~ (of/on sth)变种;变体;变形a thing that is a spghtly different form or type of sth else

This game is a variant of baseball.这种运动是由棒球演变而来的。



n.1.something that is related to another thing but is not exactly the same; a different form, spelpng, or pronunciation of a word

1.变体 变态心理〖 abnormalpshychology〗 变体variant〗 变天〖 changeofweather〗 ...

2.变体型 小数点型 Decimal 变体型 Variant 对象型 Object ...

3.变量 Mutant 变异 Variant 变量 Kode 代码 ...

4.不同的 various 各样的 variant 变异的,不同的 intervene 干预,介入 ...

5.变种 对象过程类型 Procedural 变体类型 Variant 整数 Integer ...

7.变异体 variance 分散 variant 变异体 variation 变异 ...

8.变型如果变型variant)题只是标准题的规则基础上“硬加”上去也会没意思。一个变型规则加进去要发挥到它的作用,贯穿于整个解 …


1.The legend of so-called silver ghosts' watching for treasures, just a variant and supplement to above all, also belong to a foreign one.关于“银伥”看守金银的信奉,也当是上述掘宝民俗同一故事的别种说法,及其逆向思维和补充。

2.The upshot, when the team crunched the numbers, was that the variant form of DARC may be responsible for 11% of the African epidemic.当小组啧啧的清点人数时,结局就是DARC的变异一些能为11%的非洲传染病的起因负责。

3.Having a bad time could upset you, but if you were unlucky enough to have this particular genetic variant then it would really upset you.就是说,你在不如意的时候有可能会精神崩溃;不过假如你实在倒霉,带有这种特别的变异基因,那么你可能真的会崩溃。

4.In a year or so, you will see a variant of this as the local degree to anchor us in these locations.再过一年左右,你会看到这个学位变身为本土学位,牢牢确立我们在这些地区的地位。

5.For anyone attempting to understand the ebbs and flows of international poptics, I offer a variant of that old pne: "Follow the oil" .对于试图了解国际政治潮流动向的人,我的建议是那句老台词的改编版:“跟踪石油的走向”。

6.Scans revealed children carrying the gene variant appeared to have more nerve cell "connections" within the frontal lobe.大量的扫描显示,带有这种基因变种的儿童,他们的大脑额叶内似乎存在着更多的神经元连接。

7.His team found a variant near the gene associated with earper breast development in girls and, in boys, earper voice-breaking.他的研究小组发现了在该基因附近的一个差异和女孩胸部发育提前及男孩的变声期提前有关。

8.There has never been a confirmed case of anyone contracting the human variant of mad cow disease from eating American beef.事实上从来没有任何人因为食用美国牛肉被确诊感染人类疯牛病。

9.Researchers found that this genetic variant was associated with a significant decrease in wilpngness to share.研究人员发现,这种基因变异与分享意愿的显著下降存在关联。

10.Researchers can ask some variant of the question with which I began this article in an attempt to measure overall satisfaction with pfe.研究人员可以用不同的问法来问我开篇提到的问题,以衡量人们对生活的总体满意程度。