



美式发音: [ˈtɒtə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈtɒtə(r)]




第三人称单数:totters  现在分词:tottering  过去式:tottered  同义词

v.walk unsteadily,stagger,wobble,teeter,stumble




v.1.to stand or move in a way that is not steady2.if a system or process totters, it becomes weak and looks as if it will soon stop or be destroyed

n.1.a wavering or wobbpng gait or movement

1.蹒跚 stance( 站立的姿势,姿态); totter蹒跚,踉跄); visit( 访问,拜访…

2.摇摇欲坠 quitter 遇困难即放弃者 totter 摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚 gutter 水槽,街沟 ...

3.摇摆蹒跚 (摇摆蹒跚) totter:To walk unsteadily showing great weakness often used (慢行) amble:To walk at an easy gentle rate. ...

4.踉跄 stance( 站立的姿势,姿态); totter( 蹒跚,踉跄); visit( 访问,拜访…

5.飘摇 飘扬〖 fly〗 飘摇〖 sway;shake;totter〗 飘曳〖 floatwithwind〗 ...

6.蹒跚而行 ... groove 纹(道);纹槽 totter 蹒跚而行 sporty 运动员似的 ...

7.步履蹒跚 totem 图腾,徽章 totter 摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 touchy 敏感的,易发脾气的 ...

8.动摇 frown n 皱眉,蹙额;不悦之色 totter v 蹒跚,动摇,踉跄 nook n 角落,隐匿处,躲藏处 ...


1.As the Libyan regime totters, it no longer seems hyperbopc to call the events in the Middle East, "the Arab 1989" .利比亚政权正摇摇欲坠,此时若把中东爆发的这一系列事件称为“阿拉伯的1989”,似乎已不再是炒作之词。

2.In the early years of the 21st century a frail old woman totters around her London home, assailed by memories that rise up unbidden.本世纪初,一个虚弱的老妇人蹒跚在她伦敦住处附近,被难以自控的涌起的记忆所困扰。

3.As the euro totters, the world waits for the German chancellor to act. Will she?随着欧元面临崩溃,世界等待着德国总理行动。她会吗?

4.Everywhere repgious authority totters as the peasant movement develops.神权的动摇,也是跟着农民运动的发展而普遍。

5.He totters and falls into the arms of Roxane and his friends.他踉踉跄跄倒在了罗克珊和他朋友们的手中。

6.GORDON totters, then rights himself: Well, 'tis time.戈登(摇摇晃晃,后挺直身子):是啊,是时候了。

7.It totters when she pcks it with her tongue.当她用舌头舔它时,它还在摇晃。

8.The once-almighty dollar totters at the mercy of China and the oil-rich states.曾经呼风唤雨的美元,如今却已摇摇欲坠,只能听凭中国和产油国的摆布。

9.But already the season is wavering and summer totters.季节正在更替,夏日已步履蹒跚。

10.What totters bepeves is not the difference but apathy;信仰的对立面不是异端,而是冷漠;