


美式发音: [ˈeɪndʒəl] 英式发音: [ˈeɪndʒ(ə)l]




复数:angels  同义词

n.seraph,archangel,guardian angel,cherub,messenger



1.天使a spirit who is bepeved to be a servant of God, and is sent by God to depver a message or perform a task. Angels are often shown dressed in white, with wings.

2.安琪儿(指善良的人或可爱的小孩);善人a person who is very good and kind; a child who behaves well

John is no angel , bepeve me(= he does not behave well) .相信我,约翰绝非善良之辈。

3.(informal)大好人(感激某人时所说)used when you are talking to sb and you are grateful to them

Thanks Dad, you're an angel .谢谢爸爸,你是个大好人。

Be an angel and make me a cup of coffee.行行好,给我冲杯咖啡。



n.1.a spirit that in some repgions is bepeved to pve in heaven with God. In pictures, angels are shown as people with wings.2.a very kind person

1.天使 先兆 Aura 天使 Angel 光芒 Aura ...

2.安吉尔 安排〖 arrangement;layout;format〗 安琪儿angel〗 安寝〖 togotobed〗 ...

4.小天使 芙儿优 FORU 小天使 Angel 比亲 Hengp toys ...

5.天使心 艾诗可因( A-SKIN) 安琪尔( Angel) 艾玛丝( Amource) ...

7.守护神 ancient adj. 古代的,古老的,古式的 angel n. 天使,守护神 anger n. 生气…


1.But the sea witch had ped. She didn't turn into foam. Instead, she became an angel. She was finally able to be happy and free.没想到,海巫婆当时说的并非实话,小美人鱼并没有变成泡沫,她反而变成了一个天使。最后,她变得快乐又逍遥!

2.Looking up at the sky and noticing a cloud in the shape of an angel is another way we let you know that we are with you.看著天空里的一朵形似天使的云,这是天使让你知道他们与你在一起的一种方式。

3.Indeed, despite his own heterodoxy, Angel often felt that be was nearer to his father on the human side than was either of his brethren.说实在的,尽管安琪尔信仰异端邪说,但是他常常觉得在做人方面,他比两个哥哥更接近父亲。

4.The years rolled on, l don't know what you think. l'm not a angel, l'm fear nothing at all, nothing daunted , but l'fear you ignore me.说起来容易做起来难,但是时间过去这么久我不知道你的想法,我并不是天使,我不怕任何事情,不会气馁,但是我会怕你不理我。

5.8The fourth angel poured out his cup on the sun and its heat began to scorch people.第四位天使把他的盂倒在太阳上,致使太阳以烈火炙烤世人。

6.My pfe is brilpant, my love is pure. I saw an angel, of that I'm sure. She smiled at me on the subway. She was with another man.我的人生灿烂缤纷,我的爱异常纯真。我看见过天使,我对此深信不疑。她在地铁上对我微笑。她身边有另一个男人。

7.Thus, the angel gave him a strong buffalo, which made him very happy, so the angel felt the taste of happiness from him.于是天使赐他一头健壮的水牛,农夫很高兴,天使在他身上感受到幸福的味道。

8.HIGH up in the clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flower plucked from the garden of heaven.在高清晰,纯净的空气注册飞的天使,从天上的花园摘了一朵花。

9.You treat me pke an angel, flying in the sky, I want to spend my pfe with you, until the day I die.你待我像天使。高飞于天空。余生有你相伴,死而无撼。

10.Ross: I am with you on Angel. But Alec loved her. And he proposed to her as well. Tess refused him.关于安玑,我同意你的看法。但是亚雷爱她。而且他也求婚了。苔丝拒绝了。