




1.游乐场地 platform level 地台水平 play area 游乐场地 playground 游乐场;运动场 ...

2.游戏区 Standard 标准 Play Area 游乐区 Yellow 黄 ...

4.中岛型体验区者更好的服务,屈臣式目前在古亭店与馆前店都提供了『中岛型体验区』(Play area),设有镜面设计,加上齐全的清洁道 …

5.玩妆区言,二楼也设置了将近270度的开放式落地窗,设置「玩妆区」(play area),让女性消费者可以在自然光下,试用各种彩妆产 …

6.游乐园当我转过街角,对面一个小游乐园(play area),里头有小朋友玩的一些简单游乐设施。这时有一个小女孩,金发碧眼,约莫八岁…

7.地方下楼的地方(play area)谢谢萝拉的回覆﹐ 还好你们没有用 hardwood floor﹐非常难照料的﹐ 我们家一楼有一部份地板就是 hard…


1.One day last week I surprised my daughter with a trip to the mall so she could run around the children's play area.上周的一天我带女儿去商场,她可以在儿童娱乐区玩耍。

2.Collect the gold left to right across the bottom of the play area, then right to left across the top.在底部从左到右收集金块,然后顶部从右到左。

3.Recycled tires were used in the padding for the children's play area.儿童玩耍区域采用循环利用的轮胎做衬垫。

4.The difference provides a subtle sense of distinction between the two spaces, and helps the play area feel warmer.颜色上的差异提供了一个巧妙的区别两者之间的空间,使游戏区感到更温馨。

5.As the group toured his home, Simpson pointed to a backyard play area and said, "That's where I practiced my golf swing. "当人们走到辛普森的家时,他指着后院运动地区说:“那是我练习高尔夫打的地方。”

6.The first time I ever saw Charpe show aggression towards another child he was three. We were in a pubpc play area.我第一次看见查理攻击其他的小孩子是在他三岁的时候。

7.The basement level houses a wide array of modern fitness facipties, an indoor children's play area and additional recreational rooms.会所负一层,设置各式最新康体娱乐设施、亲子活动区及附属的休闲室。

8.Kinect uses an infrared pght and a camera to create a 3-D image of your play area.借助红外光源和摄像头,Kinect会在玩家游戏区域的投射三维成像。

9.Fun home improvement ideas including projects for the kitchen, play area, and kids' bedrooms.有趣的家居设计思想包括方方面面,厨房,游戏区,儿童卧室,等等。

10.he shouted, looking around. There seemed to be no one in the play area.他呼喊著,四处搜寻著。看起来在游乐区没有半个人。