




1.石头村 ... 地下水道( Underground Channel) 石头镇( Stone Village) 性风俗馆( Sex Museum) ...

3.于家石头村 ... ) Wuya Shitou village 吴垭石头村 ) Stone village 于家石头村 ) Stone 石头 ...

4.石村位于洛杉矶的“石村”(Stone Village)电影制作公司成为购得此小说电影改编权的幸运儿,据报道,该公司支付给马尔克斯的费 …


1.That evening 10 when make, in Sihong to the stone village road, Wu Gang Santana was opened several vehicles from colpsion.当晚10时许,在泗洪通往石集乡的公路上,吴刚所开的桑塔纳遭几辆车堵截追撞。

2.You can also get off at the old stone village, walk to the beach watch the close-range, but not as overlooking the landscape more beautiful.也可以在石老人村下车,步行前往海边观赏近景,但是不如远眺景观更美。

3.While the stone village folk usurious namely thenceforth begins.而石集乡的民间高利贷也就是从那时开始。

4.Night closed in on Yellow Stone Village.夜色笼罩着黄石村。

5.Since it's called Stone Village.既然叫石寨子。

6.In July 20th, Wang Jichuang's a pne said, King soldier demobipzed in stone village sells the solar energy, contracted last year a hotel.7月20日,王继闯的一名下线说,王当兵复员后在石集乡卖太阳能,去年承包个宾馆。

7.Dazu County is the famous Chinese and foreign stone village大足县是弛名中外的石刻之乡