




1.互动动画 ) Sketch-based interfaces 勾画式交互 ) interactive animation 交互式动画 ) interactive 3-D animation 交互式三维动画 ...

3.动画交互 有形接口 tangible interfaces 动画交互 interactive animation 可视化位置信息 visuapzation of location information ...

4.交互动画 ... 动漫影视 Animation Film 交互动画 Interactive animation 企业宣传动画 Animation Corporate Communications …


1.Automatic plot extraction is an important part of the interactive animation system.自动故事情节抽取是交互式动画创作系统的重要环节。

2.Hoping this paper can be provided as a reference for the designers who want to develop the interactive animation.希望通过本文的研究与总结,对交互性教学动画的开发提供一定的指导作用。

3.Also, the paper concludes the matters needing attention through the procedure of design and development of interactive animation.此外,笔者还对交互性教学动画在教学设计和开发过程中需要兼顾的问题进行了归纳和总结。

4.While the concept has been in the first chapter discussed in detail, but an interactive animation can be more vividly illustrate this point.虽然这个概念在第一章已详细的讨论过,但一个交互式的动画可以更形象地说明这一点。

5.You will learn how to create a map grid with interactive animation. . .您将学习如何创建一个交互式动画图格…

6.Apppcation of Interactive Animation in the Multimedia Courseware交互式动画在多媒体课件中的应用

7.Knowledge-Driven, Interactive Animation of Human Running由知识控制的人的奔跑的交互式模拟

8.Basic Real-time Interactive Animation Method本实时交互动画原理

9.Naissance and Development of Interactive Animation交互式动画片的产生与发展