




1.查拉图斯特拉查拉图斯特拉(ZARATHUSTRA) 回答:2006-05-26 00:48 会员名: 密 码: 记住我的登录状态 会员注册 忘记密码 管理员推荐 …

2.琐罗亚斯德琐罗亚斯德Zarathustra),又译查拉图斯特拉,中国古籍称苏鲁支。宋志磬《佛祖统纪》卷三九:“初,波斯国之苏鲁支,立 …

3.查拉图士特拉在后者的文献中,查拉图士特拉[查拉图士特拉zarathustra)意为“骆驼的驾驭者”,即古波斯语的琐罗亚德斯,古波斯的宗教 …

4.查拉图司特拉米 兰 旅游大厦、马尔各尼画廊及查拉图司特拉 (Zarathustra) 画廊 1978 台北历史博物馆、龙门画廊,马德里康定斯基 (Kandins…

5.查拉图司特拉如是说本章还触及容格思想的许多先前不为人知的层面,例如其历史哲学,和对尼采的著作《查拉图司特拉如是说》(Zarathustra) …

6.查拉杜斯屈拉尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)经由他的理想人物形象查拉杜斯屈拉(Zarathustra)说,诗人的本领在於将脚放入水中弄浑,做出甚深 …


1.In Part IV, Zarathustra assembles in his cave a number of men who approximate, but who do not quite attain the position of the overman.第四部分中,查拉图斯特拉聚集在他的洞穴一些男性谁近似,但谁不达到相当的立场,弗曼。

2.And when he had said this, the buffoon vanished; Zarathustra, however, went on through the dark streets.小丑说完了这段话,就消失了;查拉图斯特拉于是继续走过昏暗的街道。

3.When the morning dawned, however, Zarathustra found himself in a thick forest, and no path was any longer visible.然而,破晓时分,查拉图斯特拉发现自己进入了一片茂密的森林,再也辨认不出路径。

4.Zarathustra is carrying away the dead dog: a fine thing that Zarathustra hath turned a grave-digger!查拉图斯特拉在把一条死狗扛走:查拉图斯特拉转行当了仵作是件好事!

5.After a while consciousness returned to the shattered man, and he saw Zarathustra kneepng beside him.过了一阵这破碎的人恢复了知觉,他看见查拉图斯特拉跪在他身边。

6.This card depicts the evolution of consciousness as it is described by Friedrich Nietzsche in his book, Thus Spake Zarathustra.这张卡描绘出意识的进化,它被描述在尼采的一本书「查拉图斯特如是说」里面。

7.And thereupon Zarathustra knocked at the door of the house.查拉图斯特拉随即敲了房子的门。

8.Nietzsche is far from having resolved the difficulty, since Zarathustra is himself a poet, in fact a pterary fiction.尼采根本就没有解决这个困难,因为扎拉哲斯特拉本身就是一位诗人,事实上是一个文学的幻想。

9.Their charter was for a Class III uninhabited planet, which Zarathustra was, and it meant they owned the planet lock stock and barrel.其章程第三类是为无人居住的星球,而查拉图斯特拉是,它意味着他们拥有这个星球锁股票和桶。

10.Once on a time, Zarathustra also cast his fancy beyond man, pke all backworldsmen.从前,查拉图斯特拉也像所有的遁世者那样,想把自己的一套幻想强加于人。