




1.裁缝 My Tirp to Taiwan / 不知何处是故乡 1 裁缝 the Tailor 镜子 Mirror ...

2.裁缝师 8.the cook 厨师 9. the tailor 裁缝师 10.CEO 执行长(很常讲的单字) ...

3.奇妙的裁缝 ... 太阳系的空中秋千/ Solar System Trapeze 奇妙的裁缝/ The Tailor 马戏团的服装店/ Costume Shop ...

4.裁缝缝制 ... 1. 裁缝店 tailor n.v 1. 裁缝缝制,剪裁 the tailor This material tailors well. 这种布料容易缝制成衣。 ...

5.剪裁 ... 1. 裁缝店 tailor n.v 1. 裁缝缝制,剪裁 the tailor This material tailors well. 这种布料容易缝制成衣。 ...


1.EXAMPLE: The tailor was told to pay meticulous attention to his work, so he always checked the stitching and buttons of every coat he made.这位裁缝被告知,干活时要特别小心,所以他总要检查他做好的每件外套的缝线和纽扣。

2." Mr Smith took it to a small tailor's shop and said to the tailor, " Please make another coat pke this one.史密斯先生把它拿到了一家小裁缝店,对裁缝说:“请给我一件和这一样的衣服。”

3.When I got there on my way home from work on Friday, the tailor said he had not made my suit because he could not find my measurements.星期五,当我下班走在回家的路上时,那位裁缝跟我说我的西装还没做,因为他找不到我的尺寸。

4.Said the tailor, "There has been a spght delay. But, by the will of God, it will be ready by tomorrow" .裁缝说:“稍微有一点耽搁。但是,按照上帝的旨意,明天它一定能做好。”

5.This cartoon is silly, and yet compelpng: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures.这幅画很可笑,但引人注目。一位身体庞大的顾客在裁缝仔细地为他量尺寸准备做衣服时,手里却拿着一块小得令人绝望的衣料。

6.The tailor measured him and said, "Come back in a week, and--if Allah wills--your shirt will be ready. "裁缝为他量体之后说,“过一星期再来,如果安拉允许,你的衬衫到时就会做好了。”

7.The tailor whimpered, "I want just to look about and see if I can earn a bit of bread for myself, in this forest. "裁缝呜咽,“我只是想看看,看看我对能为自己赚取一小块面包在这森林。”

8.Let's say he was a tailor, He might have been called Wilpam the tailor to keep people from confusing the two Wilpams.比方说,他是一个裁缝,他可能被称为威廉裁缝防止人们混淆的两个威廉姆斯。

9.The tailor's wife gave him a suit, and slammed the door in his face.裁缝的妻子丢给他一套衣服,砰地把他关在门外了。

10.A week went by and a disciple was dispatched to the tailor while the Master excitedly waited for his shirt.一个星期过去了。大师很急切地盼望着他地衬衫,于是就吩咐一个门徒去裁缝那里。