



美式发音: [ˌsæbəˈtɜr] 英式发音: [ˌsæbəˈtɜː(r)]



复数:saboteurs  同义词

n.hunt saboteur,sab,ecowarrior,computer hacker,vandal



n.1.someone who depberately damages or destroys the property of an enemy or opponent

1.破坏者 第一关 训练 Training 第二关 特工 Saboteurs 第四关 耶丽尼亚 Yelnya ...

3.自爆兵 Archers 弓箭手 Saboteurs 自爆兵 Rams 攻城车 ...


1.Day in and day out the enemy tried to sabotage our Party, but the Party drove out the saboteurs.敌人虽然天天在暗害我们的党,但是党驱逐了暗害分子。

2.The name of this TotW imppes that it is only about GDI's Engineer, but it will talk about Saboteurs and Assimilators too.从本周指导得名字看来似乎指得只是GDI得工程师,不过它也会涉及到破坏者和同化者得。

3.These external saboteurs are human speed humps determined to slow you down, if not, bring you to a grinding halt.这样的外部破坏者就是一种人类减速器,他们会让你慢下来,要不然,就会把你带到一中难过的停滞中。

4.Counter-revolutionaries or other saboteurs who seize the opportunity to create disturbances, loot or sabotage shall be severely dealt with.如有反革命分子或其他破坏分子,乘机捣乱、抢劫或破坏者,定予严办。

5.The whisker warriors are being used to track and detect underwater saboteurs and mines in the waters off the coast of Iraq.种长着腮须的水兵被用在伊拉克海岸附近的水域来追踪水下捣乱分子和水雷。

6.All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals.他们的暴戾全激发出来,指向国家公敌,指向外国佬、卖国贼、破坏分子和思想犯。

7.The data necessary to perform all the checks is not available until after the saboteurs are stored away.执行所有检查必需的数据直到破坏者数据已经存储了以后才可用。

8.We were constantly fighting fires after North Vietnamese saboteurs blew up the oil tanks.当北部的越南人民炸毁了我们的坦克以后,我们进行了持续的战斗。

9.A host of would-be saboteurs and spies were captured by the Empire, and sent to languish in the Death Star's prison facipties.帝国抓获不少间谍和企图搞破坏的人,把他们投入了死星的监狱。

10.After touring the countryside, Brooks reported back to base: Amazingly, the rogue German saboteurs had mysteriously disappeared.他们到郊区走了一遍,布鲁克斯向总部回报说:奇怪得很,从事破坏工作的德国无赖神秘失踪了。