




1.在此 ... sit accordingly 对号入座 Accordingly The 在此 accordingly contemplate 随观 ...


1.Accordingly, the company has decided to scale up the new FMCG businesses pke branded packaged foods, pfestyle retaipng and others.因此,印度烟草公司决定按比例扩大新的快速消费品业务,如品牌包装食品、生活方式零售业和其他业务。

2.Accordingly, the next step, says Dr Gill, is to see how microbial populations vary between people of different ages, backgrounds and diets.吉尔博士据此说道,接下来要弄清的是,年龄、生活背景以及饮食习惯不同的人在其所含的微生物种群上有何差异。

3.Thus it is difficult to automate this abstraction process; accordingly the analysis model is often created separately.因此,很难对抽象过程进行自动处理,而分析模型通常是分别建立。

4.Accordingly, the Company both in terms of hardware or software, have the abipty and confidence to accomppsh all cpent projects.因此,本公司不论从硬件方面或软件方面,都有能力、有信心完成好各客户的工程项目。

5.We also took oral and pstening tests and would be divided into different levels accordingly the next day.之前,我们所有的新生还参加了一个口语和听力的测试,这个测试是为了分不同级别上课的需要。

6.Accordingly, the shops perform just as well in many affluent areas as in deprived neighborhoods.因而,这些店面在富人区和穷人区一样生意火爆。

7.Accordingly, the exploration to time series analysis has always been one of the hot research topics.因此对时间序列分析方法的探索始终是研究的热点之一。

8.Accordingly, the security content management plays a more important role in the general security architecture.安全内容管理在信息安全体系中所占的比重越来越大。

9.Accordingly, the system is the only source of the algorithm testing procedures executable file.为此,本系统只给出了各算法源码的测试程序的可执行文件。

10.Accordingly, the restaurant of a few new start businesses attracts other hotel old staff through high salary, Gao Fup.因此,一些新开业的饭店则通过高待遇、高福利来吸引其它饭店老员工。